J is awesome. He hit the hardware store, Michaels, and PetCo. He picked up a new sink garbage disposal, flood lights 'cause I guess that's the kind that are in the ceiling downstairs, and a new heater air filter at the hardware store; grabbed suction cups at Michael's; and food for the cats at PetCo. I knew he'd been when I got home, headed downstairs to say hello to J and saw a very furry, nasty, disgusting air filter leaning against the back of the cabinets (kind of a peninsula deal demarking the sink/drawer area of the kitchen) that faces the stairs. I suspect I'll be itching a bit less in the house now that the filter is fresh. Plus now we have a disposal that, once we get it in there, we don't have to be so careful with bits of food going down the drain. The suction cups were intended for the bathroom, and J did his best, but they're not gonna work for that. The hooks could come off the nipples, but the nipples are too big to fit in the holes of the corner shelves and the cups aren't big enough around. He tried though.
If I can think of stuff to hang off them in the windows I'll keep 'em (or at least a couple); otherwise we'll return them. I think we'll have to hit one of the big hardware stores (Home Depot or Lowes) to find cups that'll work.
I asked J if he picked out some new running shoes, and he said he waited so I could go shopping with him, which is awfully sweet.
Since we hadn't headed down to the Bridgeton area to eat at Cancun in a while (at $3 a gallon for gas, 18 miles one way is a little far to drive to eat dinner when there are plenty of restaurants, albeit no really good Mexican ones, within 5 miles of us), we headed down there for dinner, which was yummy and fun 'cause we got to eat outside.
Then we went in the mall via Dillards, found they were having a storewide sale, and magically J found a pair of running shows for $40 that fit and felt perfectly. Then we wandered more slowly back upstairs to the main level towards the entrance we came in, so I could look through the women's clothing section. I ended up buying a sweater twinset (both pieces sold separately) with a light tan/cream for the shortsleeved part and dark brown for a cardigan, plus a gorgeous long darkish faded red skirt for $100.
The skirt was a surprise; up until a couple months ago long skirts weren't "in" and hadn't for a while. Talk about bummed. But now I guess they're back in (for fall/winter, I suppose). This one looks and feels almost exactly like suede, yet is 100% polyester which makes it super awesome (probably won't have to take it to the cleaners if I get something on it). It's got a neat, simple embroidered flower/vine pattern thingy down the front, which they were nice enough not to ruin by adding beads or sequins. It looks like it has a slit all the way up the front, and while the front does fly open, the skirt still wraps all the way around the front from the other side so the wind can kick up and it won't matter.
I love love love that fall is here. Not only do I love the cooler fresher air and the return of things like pumpkin pie and snuggling into the blankets and such, I much prefer fall and winter clothes.
I'm wearing the twinset today, 'cause even though it'll be in the upper 70s this afternoon it was chilly this morning and the room we spend most of our time in at work tends to be rather cold. Who needs a jacket for either when one is wearing a light cardigan?
We have dinner tonight at my grandfather's since my mom's cousin and her husband are in town, so I'll probably wear the skirt tonight with a cream blouse I have.
At about 8:30 last night I was just feeling so, so drowsy, so I got off the comp and laid down on the bed, sorta nap style fully clothed without getting under the covers. Zephyr was all insistant on loveys for a while, but then I fell asleep and slept in and out with the bright overhead light on until about quarter to 10. Said the hell with that, went and turned off the light in the computer room, turned off the light in the bedroom, undressed and climbed into bed for the light. So while I could've slept a few hours longer this morning, I didn't feel miserably exhausted when I woke up, just a little tired.
I also think I'm pretty much done finally with my desktop at work. I spent the morning until we all got together making sure I had everything installed that I need on the laptop (there are lots of things we need specific to our system that don't come on the default install), and blowing away a bunch of stuff off the desktop. I went and uninstalled all the stuff I'd used that wasn't a 100% work tool (I used 'em for work) like my favorite text editor, DeskNotes (sticky notes for the desktop), etc. Deleted all my datafiles on there that I didn't need, etc. Granted, the comp is a Dell leased comp, so our company will probably do a full reformat to wipe away any company-proprietary stuff that might be on it, then it gets returned back to Dell. But I figure it's a nice thing to clean up after myself.
What's awesome, is that things like Exceed (virtual window manager thingy that gives a windowy feel onto a Unix system, plus that comes with things like FTP) evidently stored their settings in my Windows profile. So even though I had to go install that stuff myself all over again, it was able to automatically pick up my settings. The same holds true for things like Firefox (full profile, with history, cookies, passwords, extensions, bookmarks, themes, and everything). So I had less work to do there than I thought I would. Thankfully for the few things I needed to pull over I have my handy-dandy thumb drive.