Since I have some time to break away from code testing, being that some random asshole is sucking up Oracle sessions to the point where no one can connect due to the number of connections being exceeded (400 being the limit)...
*sigh* (It's no one on our team; Tim knows the ID but not the hot body it's connected to, and he knows it's not us. There are a ton of people who use Oracle on this box, so it could be anyone.)
First, and by far most important: my mom's doing OK. I visited her yesterday after work. She was fairly awake all things considered, though she did say she dozed off in recovery before they moved her to a room. She hadn't had to push the morphine button much either (only will react to the button every 10 minutes minimum, etc.) at all yet. All her vitals were good, with her BP elevated a little higher than usual, but I guess that's pretty normal for right after surgery and wasn't alarming. They told her she was going to be on liquids this evening (Jello, popsicles, juice, and water), but get to be de-catheterized tomorrow and on solid food then too. My husband and I are going to visit this afternoon after we're both off work.
Second: I had a hair appointment yesterday evening (even though mom was fine and I stayed for an hour, and I'd scheduled the appointment a couple weeks ago, I felt guilty having to leave for it). I was 15 minutes late, but my stylist was outside having a quick smoke/phone break since she'd run a bit over with her previous appointment anyway, and I wasn't there yet. She said not to worry at all, and that she was going to call me if she'd finished up and gone in and I still hadn't arrived.
Anyway, she redid my roots plus put some color on the rest near the end to freshen it, plus did the highlights (I think she just had to do the roots part of 'em, don't really know), and then after washing all that off followed up with the 6-8 week temporary dye to make the highlights be a lighter red rather than blonde. I hadn't realized just how much my color had faded until she was done rinsing that out and had me back in her chair for a trim. So my hair's a lot redder again, like it was after the last time. She also reminded me I could come in between "full" appointments to have the toner reapplied to liven things up (I guess the toner is the temp stuff?). So my hair looks a lot better with the color and trim; I was getting rather shaggy and the faded color didn't look anywhere near as good.
Plus, the store hasn't gotten any of the full size product in that she recommended, only the little sample bottles, almost since they opened. Corporate does their ordering, and they're just not ordering more of it for no apparent reason, in spite of emails sent to them about it (there's other even more important stuff they haven't gotten in at least a month, as well, such as the brochures that detail the pricing on all their services). So... even though it's technically not supposed to happen, my stylist gave me her cell so I can call her when I'm nearly out, and then she'll get a bottle from "state" (I assume they can order products for their stations from their state office directly), and meet me somewhere else other than the store so I can pay her for it. Which is just unfathomably awesome. If she hadn't offered, I would've given up and started walking into other hair places (probably Custom Cuts, Great Clips, whatever) to see if they had it, or seen if I could order it from some place like or some such. In any case, while they certainly aren't having half empty product shelves, whoever does the product ordering for different stores needs a swift kick in the pants.
The rest: I've been insanely busy, and wow. Last night my appointment was for 6:45 and started a little after 7pm, and I was there till about 9, and of course I hadn't eaten except some of the cashews I'd brought with me 'cause I knew I'd be coming straight from the hospital, but ended up eating after I got there rather than in the car. And J had waited for me so he was starving (he was starting to feel weak from it, I think), so we went out almost immediately to Applebees, one of the few non-fast-food, non-breakfast places open after 9 on a Monday night). So we didn't even get home till almost 10:30. I still need to go get Christmas cards and start those. I'll start the "public" (i.e. non family, etc.) ones I said I'd do first, and then see about family ones. If I don't get to those... well, I'd only feel slightly guilty, since we haven't done mass emailing of Christmas cards to family yet, so I'd just feel guilty that I did those few and not the rest, as opposed to feeling guilty that I didn't do family Christmas cards this year after having done them last year. (Run-on sentence, anyone?
) Sooo... I still have to do that.
Also, J still hasn't gotten Christmas lists from his family, and I need to get working on this smallish cross-stitch project I started to give to them. It's started, but I just haven't had time to work on it, or when I have had time, I've been unwinding doing something else, like reading the massive Dark Tower VII book or leveling like crazy in Diablo II (all through Act 2 so far, in nightmare difficulty, I've been plowing through except Fangskin, and it's been leveling me like it's goin' outta style). So I need to sit down and do that. Tonight is gonna be pancakes night though. I got eggs so I can make some, but I didn't end up making them this weekend so I figured we could do pancakes and either bacon or sausage (we have both) with it for dinner. Mmm, real maple syrup.
I think I'm pretty much spent. My coding issue from last Friday is solved, thankfully. Somehow when changing some things around I'd managed not to use the method that will convert the "request.getParametersMap" into a Map of Strings instead of a Map of String[]s, and I didn't realize until Monday, using Google, that [Ljava.lang.String as a type meant an array of Strings rather than Java's funky way of saying String. As usual, hours wasted on something really, really fucking stupid on my part. But that's ok, I spent most of the time between figuring that out and about an hour ago figuring out that in order for my form bean to be recognized, I needed to be using the struts "html:form" tag instead of a regular form tag in vanilla HTML. Not entirely my fault; I'm really, really new (as in greener than green) at struts tags and JSP in general, and through most of it our contractor who's supposed to be well versed in it, never noticed I'd had it wrong. It finally took me seeing something about form scope found in, again, Google, that led me to change over to the html:form struts tag, and then it worked. And when I mentioned I'd changed that, he said "I bet that's why, yadda yadda, that makes perfect sense." *sigh* Now, of course, I have to wait until the database is accessible again, but then it's also now 3:30 and my going-home time, so the hell with it, it'll more than likely be plenty available tomorrow morning, since whoever's been thrashing it probably won't still be thrashing it then too.
I don't, don't, don't want to say it, but I think I'm mostly done with this particular item. Once I can properly iterate over my parameter map so I can output all the other form values as hidden tags (they never change, but they need to be passed when someone clicks that button; otherwise it doesn't know about 'em anymore and it'll go to the error page instead). Of course, eventually once the driving part of the system is up and running, I won't have to do any of that because I won't get all these parameters separately, and once I find what they are based on the single item I will get (directly on the request, rather than on the URL or via a "POST" on the form), I can stick 'em in their session based on that single item I do get or something like that, and I will only have to submit the single thing that changes. But... that's probabably at least 2 months away, so... for now, I need to make the damn thing work.