I had an eye exam today to get a thorough eye exam, and to see if I could get contacts. It was at a new place, because our vision program changed and the other place was no longer on it. A big added bonus is that this place is a lot closer than the old one.
First I did the works -- puff test in each eye (I kept blinking so she changed the machine back to auto instead of manual, which is supposed to make it be able to guess when you're going to blink and then puffs you right before -- worked great); peripheral vision test where you look at a central lit dot with one eye, and click the plunger button every time you see another light flash somewhere else; bright light shone in each eye to determine whether the areas where the fluid drains off the eye were open (narrow angle glaucoma test); actual prescription test and eye chart reading.
Then we discussed contacts. He said that since my eyes each had a very small astigmatism, he would recommend either gas permeable or toric (?) lenses, rather than soft ones. Plus, soft wouldv'e been bad anyway because of my allergy problems. In the end he decided gas permeable would e better (which is nice, because they're also cheaper).
I now have contacts. They're in right now.
Only read after this point if you're not squeamish about eyes...
This was quite unexpected, because I figured I'd get to try some "plain" ones (i.e. no prescription) to see if I could get them in and out, and to see if they'd fit, etc. It turns out they stock so many of them in so many different brands and prescriptions, that the ones I was practicing with were the ones I'd be taking home. Wow. So, first she showed me how to properly clean and rinse them, and told me what all to do at night. Then, she had me do it with the right lens. After that, she had me put it in. I had a couple false starts, but then it was in. And annoying as fucking hell! Then, I repeated everything (cleaning, rinsing, etc.) with the left one. That one I had more trouble with. I finally got it in, but I must've looked away just as it went in and I blinked, because it was all the way over to the outer corner of my eye. So I made several attempts to move it, which entails "garbbing it" with your eyelids, looking away, then closing the eye and looking over toward it again. No go 00 I couldn't get hold of it at all.
So finally she had me use the little plastic plunger -- you just push it onto the center of the lens, and it seals to it, thus pulling it out. After that, I tried again, and this time I got it in right. Of course, fooling with that one made the right one less noticable, and when it went in the left one was annoying as hell. That's when I finally figured out the ones I had in were for my prescription. I was quite surprised.
Then I got taking-out practice. I tried with the left one first, no go. The way you take them out, is you open your eyes as wide as you possibly can, then you pull the outer corner of your eye way out (stretched), then up, then look straight ahead or way in, and blink. That's supposed to push them out with your eyelid. However, it was NOT working. I actally finally got practice moving it back into place, because one try of it pushed it to the outside corner again. This time I was able to garb it and move it, only too far. Then she said to do the same thing but with the inside, and I got it centered then. At that point she had me try the other eye instead. AFter about... I dunno, 4 or 5 tries it popped out. Then she said to go ahead and put it abck in. After that I fianlly got the left one to come out as well, followed by successfully putting it back in. And they don't really pop out, or they didn't for me. They just kinda hung loose from an eyelid instead, where I could grab 'em with my fingers.
Once that was done, I went back in the room for a double-check of the "what line can you read?" stuff. Then, the doctor dripped a wee bit of stain in each eye (well, more like brushed it on a bottom lid, which was a bit uncomfortable) and looked back in them with a blue light. The stain was quickly gone as my eyes watered it back out.
So now I have contacts. I'm to wear them 4 hours today, then 5 tomorrow, 6 the next day, etc., until I get to where I can wear them all day. No wearing them to sleep in, or in the shower, or swimming. I know how to clean them and soak 'em overnight and rinse 'em and all that, and I have bottles of cleaning solution, conditioning solution, and a can of the saline rinsing solution (it's a can 'cause it sprays instead of drips). I'm also going to get some additional stuff in the mail, or something.
But damn are they annoying me. I know I'll get used to them, but right now they're driving me insane! And every time they feel different or start to annoy me less I'm paranoid hat they must've moved out of place or something. I'll be wearing them for about another hour and a half tonight, then I get to have fun trying to blink 'em out. I'm sure it'll take me a good 10-20 minutes... possibly for each eye.
And I'm sure J will get a kick out of it if he decides to watch. Ah well, I'm sure I'll get the hang of getting 'em in and out in no time, eh?