It occurs to me, my last several posts haven't really said anything about what's going on here. With me, around home, etc. And there's been plenty to talk about, but for some reason I just haven't been in a posting mood when it's happened. No idea why, just... I haven't.
Let me see. Well, my birthday was Saturday. My husband really surprised me Friday, with lots of very sweet ideas & even flowers.
He called me rather distressed around 3 or so, telling me that he'd been planning on surprising me but he may as well tell me because he couldn't find what he'd wanted to surprise me with: a new Samsung 17" flat panel monitor. Eee! He'd been to the Circuit City where we bought his, and they didn't have one. So they called around to some of the other stores in the St. Louis area and couldn't find any either. It being the first day of the tax holiday, it wasn't surprising for a lot of their good stuff to be sold out. So, I called the 800 number on the front page of their website and asked if they'd honor the tax free holiday if we ordered it between then and Sunday. He said they could, but only if they had it in stock in their warehouse. They didn't. However, not to be vanquished, he checked his computer to see if any of the stores in the area had any. He found one in IL and one in south county St. Louis. He said that with a CC number he could put a hold on the one in south county for us, so we could pick it up. Before he had the chance to reserve it, it was sold.
However, that's not the end of the story.
He checked the computers again, just to see if anything popped up or he'd missed anything, and a new entry popped up for the store J had just been to an hour before! He said they could've just gotten their truck, or gotten to some stuff they hadn't inventoried yet, etc. So while it was bad they couldn't have found it an hour earlier, it was still good 'cause we had the chance to reserve it this time. Eee! So I went ahead, and we got to pick it up that night. I was IMing J the whole time, and he felt bad that I'd had to "do all the work" for my own gift. But ya know what? He was super sweet for even looking, especially having them call around and all that. And I'd told him it was too much $$$ for a birthday present, what with the MN trip and new car payments. But he figured since he'd just gotten hired there shouldn't be any problem affording it, so he looked anyway.
Even so, I came home after work, walked into the kitchen & set my stuff down, and looked up to see two dozen beautiful red roses in a vase on the kitchen counter for me. Yea!!! Huge surprise there. And they were the most beautiful, wonderful smelling red roses I'd ever seen -- they weren't the typical closed up no-fragrance ones you usually find at a florist. Absolutely great.
They only last night started to droop, and only this morning did I wake up to see them downturned. They still smell nice even that way. Ooh, and he gave me an absolutely wonderful card, too -- I nearly cried from the sweetness and love written in that card. And he was worried.
Okay, I guess enough gushing. I also picked up a video card that night, since mine being a budget card was starting to get woefully out of date. Picked up a GeForce FX 5900 SE for $200. Much better card, still nVidia (so I don't have to deal with AMD + ATI Radeon bickering), and not super expensive like the latest stuff. Installed it Sunday, then hooked up the monitor. Nice.
Haven't really played anything yet that puts it to the test though. However, the weird, super loud, intermittent buzzing has stopped. Fan on the old card must've gotten flaky.
Saturday was a wacky day. Friday my car started howling when I accelerated, particularly in between the 25-30mph range, and louder the harder I accelerated. Since we had dinner (birthday dinner, yea!) at my parents' house that evening I went over a little early so my dad could hear it. He said it had to be some drive thing, either the differential or the CV joint. Uh-oh. If it was the CV joint, that was bad 'cause it could end up costing a few hundred $. If it was the differential, that meant I was going to be billing Jiffy Lube since I'd just spent money for them to service it ("dealer suggested service"). So he offered to look at it Friday while I was out shopping with Mom.
J made me realize Saturday that my license expired. That day. They switched 'em to birthdays whenever they went from 3 to 6 year licenses, I guess to make it easier to remember or something. Well, if it still had to be renewed July 3 I probably would have remembered; as it stands, I remembered about a week before that and then forgot with all the busyness of the month. I was already running late to leave, 'cause I wanted to cash 2 birthday checks at the bank to take with me, and I wanted to get to my parents' house around 11am. I went ahead to the bank, while J kept trying to call my mom to tell her about the license thing (it was busy), and then came back. It was still busy when I got back, so I just went on over. I told her, and she said she'd take me to the license place so I could renew. They close at noon, so that's the first thing we did.
One problem. Well, two, sort of. I realized when we got there I didn't have anything on me with our new address. So she left to get my insurance card out of my car (which it turns out I hadn't put back when I got my plates renewed, big oops). Immediately after that, I walked in and couldn't figure out why there was a loooooong line for plates & such, but no one waiting for a license. Finally, I saw one of the umpteen signs (including one on the front door) stating their machine had broken and they weren't doing licenses. Damn! So I had to kill some time until Mom could get back. She and my dad both looked in my car for that insurance card, and couldn't find the current one anywhere. I bought a $3 cute necklace at a jewelry store in the same plaza, and then I told her the bad news when she got back. Of course, by that point it was so close to noon we didn't have time to make another licensing place before they closed, so we went on to go shopping.
Shopping was a blast. We started at Dillard's Tea Room on the top floor, and their soup was clam chowder, which I'm happy to say has become good again (it wasn't for a while, several years ago). Then we got down to the money spending. Mom bought me 3 things in Dillards -- a pair of Levis to replace the jeans that had the seams give, a nice but casual short sleeved top, and a neat over-the-head blue yarn shawl. After that, we went downstairs to shoes and purses. Mom's looking for a casual but reasonably nice, smallish red purse, and I've been looking for dress shoes I can cram my orthotics into without my heels sliding right out when I walk. I picked 5 pairs to try, and they only had 4 in my sizes (seven an a half to eight). One style finally worked, and they were $40 shoes, so I bought a pair in black leather and a pair in a dark brown crocodile pattern leather with some of the birthday money.
We went on into the mall and ended up in Express, where I never thought I'd see anything I like because of the total and utter crap they've been carrying the last few years. However, mom bought a pair of nice slacks for me I just love. I might go back to buy another pair in a different shade, even. They're really comfortable, fit very well (they had "short" sized pants that are *gasp* actually short!), and even make my ass look great if I do say so myself.
And only $58, which for the quite good quality and even better fit, is well worth it for a nice pair of pants. They're a charcoal grey, and I'm considering going back for a light grey or one of the pin stripes.
Then, with the rest of my money, I bought shelf-bra tank tops. Well, technically 3 of them were "cami"s. But they actually somewhat fit, and I only have to lose a little off my middle to make them look decent rather than having to wait until I lose all 35 pounds. The other was a grey casual tank. Got one for $15 since they had a "buy a pair of pants, get a cami for $15" going.
They were also having a mall-wide offer, that if you ended up spending $200 on cotton items, you could get a $25 gift certificate good towards blue jeans at any store in the mall. Everything but the slacks and the shawl was cotton, so we were already fairly close. So, I began thinking of stuff I might already want or need that was cotton. We initially went to American Eagle, which was a good choice. I found some khaki stretchy jeans that fit very nicely. Then, we were less than $40 away from the total we needed, and I remembered I'd been meaning to buy some Victoria Secret low rise cotton undies, since they were on sale 5 for $20 and I had enough low rise pants to need more undies that didn't show out the top. Turns out they didn't have the ones I really wanted, the low rise string bikini, but they did have regular low rise bikinis. So I bought 10 pair.
That put us over, so we went and got the jeans certificate. Yea!
Now, the next up-down in the day: my car. We got back around 4:30 or so, and my dad was gone, with my car up on jackstands in the front. That was good, because it probably meant he was off to an auto parts store, which meant whatever was wrong wasn't something I had to take to a mechanic. He was back after a short while, and I went out to ask him the verdict. Turns out Jiffy Lube is most definitely not meticulous in their work: they'd left the drain plug for the differential out. As in, never put it in. I'd been driving around with no fluid in the car for 3 weeks. Three. Whole. Weeks. So, he picked up a couple quarts of transmission fluid (differential takes this as well as the actual transmission), and a $2 part -- the drain plug. Then it was just a matter of putting it in and filling 'er up.
The good? No big expensive repairs. The bad? Stupid fucking Jiffy Lube screwed up again. Not only did they potentially fuck up my car, but they also wayyy overfilled the actual transmission fluid when they serviced it, and 7 or so months before when they'd rotated my tires, they didn't put one of the hubcaps in all the way and I lost it within 2 days. (My theory on the transmission fluid? They poured transmission fluid into the transmission twice, instead of once there and once in the differential. So there was no way of noticing the drain plug wasn't in, 'cause there wasn't any fluid running back out again, 'cause they poured it in the wrong place. Jackasses!) The other, much more minor bad? While I was sitting on the side of the hill by the driveway, on the decorative flat stones they had there, a bird pooped on my leg.
After that, I ran home to change, and then J and I went back to my parents' so we could drive out to J's grandma's. She offered to have us for dinner for my birthday, and when we got there, not only did Fritter (her super friendly, lovey cat) greet us, but J's parents and baby sister were there too! Also, his cousin Kevin's in town for a week and just came in earlier that day (J picked him up at the airport), so he rode with us out there, and it was a nice big friendly dinner. Lots of good food and good company. Not to mention, the gift in the card from J's parents covered most of what I spent over the amount I'd had with me shopping earlier that day.
Monday I had an appointment with my doctor to get a new Zyrtec scrip approved, 'cause I'd run out of refills and I hadn't been in recently enough so he cut me off again.
However, he made good at least a little bit. He gave me a Zyrtec scrip with 12 refills on it, which is much better than the standard 4 and having him have to approve it with the pharmacy a couple times, then cutting me off. Also, he gave me a free bottle of Flonase to help out more with symptoms (and better prevent them), and a scrip for it should I want one, plus a coupon to get the first fill of the scrip free. The first couple nights I used it I really didn't notice any difference; I was still my typical slightly itchy and nose-blowy in the morning. However, this morning I actually didn't sneeze or have to blow my nose at all. If it continues to help, I may just fill that scrip.
Tuesday night was fun. J's aunt Connie got a bunch of tickets to the Cardinal baseball game that night, and J and I got to go. Also, she called the night before to ask if my mom wanted to go, since they had an extra ticket. She said yes, so the three of us went downtown on the MetroLink after I got back from my Depo appointment. They were pretty decent seats, I must say. Very nice. And one of my coworkers was there with her boyfriend too, closer down in our section, so I said hello for a little bit before the game started. At the end of the 7th inning, we decided it was time to go. It was about 9:45pm or so, and we were losing 2 to 1 and it'd been a little disappointing because there had been some sloppy fielding on the Cardinals' part. So we left, figuring we wouldn't have to wait as long for a Metrolink train to get back. While we were waiting, my mom was listening on her headphones to the rest of the game. The Cardinals had their big inning then, with first two hits the second of which scored the tying run, followed by two more getting on base followed by a walk to go ahead, followed by Larry Walker's first grand slam with the Cardinals to put us up 7 to 2. We could hear the crowd at the stadium go totally apeshit during all of this, especially during the grand slam. Bummer we missed it, but it really was getting late, and if we'd stayed even that long and left before the 9th started, we would've been a lot later getting back. It was neat hearing the crowd and waiting for my mom to tell us what happened.
And that brings us up to present day. Parkway North started classes today, so it's J's first day teaching. He'd been able to get the first two days planned, plus a semester syllabus and a rules sheet worked up, and seating charts for each of his 5 classes made out. Hopefully things go well for him today. I know he's a little nervous, but I think he'll settle in OK after today & tomorrow.