I ended up going with DynDNS over no-ip, but it turns out my router will, in theory, update both of... (full text)
So... how do you deal with the fact that (a) one's home IP changes regularly unless one pays through the... (full text)
Please, learn from my stupidity, because no one needs this kind of blood pressure spike. Confirmation pages for online banking... (full text)
Logged on today, opened up my browser, and meebo's been blocked from work "for security reasons." I remember some... (full text)
and you have ever worked a job that involved dealing with helping customers in any fashion, you really ought to... (full text)
So... am I being a big dumbhead for being weirded out when someone IMing me for the first time, whom... (full text)
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Some dude sent me an auth request with jibberish characters in it for the "why". I looked at the info,... (full text)
Some dude IM'd me on ICQ in German. I tell him I only speak English. After a bit, I figure... (full text)
The forums are suddenly trying to download instead of view as a webpage. Something's going on with PHP pages there... (full text)
If they were going to require people to sign up again at F'opolis after this second restart, it would've been... (full text)
Due probably to the damn latest worm that's been floating all over, and patches going out and everything, I haven't... (full text)
Or is anyone else having AIM connectivity problems? Trillian hasn't been able to connect at all since yesterday, even after... (full text)
I managed to miss any notice that forumopolis is gonna be down again. Till the 19th, it would appear. Also,... (full text)
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