Been quite a while since I updated, so I'd better get started. I'd promise not to make this too long, but well... we all know I'm quite verbose.
I have the rest of today, plus 3 more days, in my existing job. Then, it's off to the new one. I'm finding myself suddenly sort of panicked that I won't be able to adjust and will be a total failure, which I recognize is terribly silly and unfounded. Just jitters, I suppose.
Some of my gardening has been successful thus far, some not. I need to plant more cilantro, and then keep it inside, since it was healthy when I put it out but died in about a week outside. Not sure if it just got too much rain or if it really would do better inside, period, but whatever. The mountain bells have been fabulous so far. They haven't filled in and naturalized yet, but that's to be expected. I really didn't expect them to already start blooming, though, so that's nice. The begonias in the back hanging pots are really starting to take off, but the ones in front keep getting nibbled on, which is frustrating. However, they're doing better, and I just need to keep stinky stuff sprayed all over. The irises and blue allium around the tree in back are doing pretty well, too. The irises are already done blooming, but the allium are still going at it. The ajuga is doing fabulously in that little area by the back steps, more than I have any right to. The lily of the valley is kinda... meh, one or two died (I think they got eaten) but they're doin' ok. Not great, but not bad. Worried about the cyclamen. I think it's coming up, but it seems to be running a bit late. I still haven't gotten another hosta to pair wtih the one that came back.
I ran my first ever, in my entire life I think, continuous mile Friday before last. I wedged in an extra bridge week to the 5k program, which is 3/4 mile jog end caps with a mile in between, all separated by 1/4 mile walks. For the first session, I made the mile, but I couldn't make the last 3/4, coming up a quarter mile short. However, the Thursday after (yeah, slacked off that weekend and last Tuesday) I made the whole thing, and Friday I did it faster—and I moved 1/4 mile from the end and into the middle, so yay for 1 1/4 miles at once! I plowed on Sunday with the next stage in the schedule, which is to jog 2 1/2 miles straight out. We went to my old high school's outdoor track for a change, and I almost made it. I jogged a mile and a half before I had to break to walk. But, I only walked a half a lap before jogging again. I made it around one full more lap till I had to break altogether to finish my water, but then I did finish the last 2 laps at a jog. Heh, I shouldn't have, but about 3/4 of the way through the last lap I was just wanting to be done, so I ran rather a lot faster for the last bit. Damn near worked up to being nauseous, heh. Walked around in circles for a bit off to the side, just breathing hard and trying to cool off. My overall jogging rate was a hair over a 12 minute mile, but I'm OK with that. I'll keep that pace Tuesday, and see if I can actually make it through without pause or walking. It'll help that my water bottle is within easy reach on a treadmill vs. not with me on the track (it doesn't carry well, so I set it to the side). I'm also going to make a concerted effort to stay better hydrated overall.
WoW is going nicely. Our Karazhan group has gotten it down to a 5 hour clear, spread over 2 nights (except the animal boss, 'cause screw that useless crap). That's down from who knows how many hours spread over 4 nights, which was leading to serious burnout, especially for those also in the first Gruul's/Magtheridon's Lair group which is going 2 nights a week. We're spanking Kara now, which rocks, and we're having a lot of fun doing it. I think we really mesh now. Also, it leaves more desire, at least for me, to do stuff when not raiding. Like bombing skettis eggs...
Still need to do the 5-man ogre quests so I can do lots more dailies, plus kill the 3 named skettis while shadow potioned, but I should be able to get that taken care of this week.
I can't update my site with this right now 'cause (a) the servers are down for hardware issues, and (b) when they've been up lately just hitting the MT cgi, not even logged in, was giving me a 500 error immediately, with no sign of anything in the error log. I badly need to upgrade to the latest version to take advantage of some serious efficiency gains, but haven't had the time, and now haven't the access. Oh well.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but I slept miserably last night (caught up on sleep a little too much this weekend) so my brain isn't firing on all cylinders.