03:41 PM - Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch!
Also: it is, indeed, colder than a witch's titty outside. Just in case you didn't know.
I haven't played WoW since Thursday, my back is pinchy by my left shoulderblade again, I'm tired as hell, and my throat is threatening to be sore. Weh.
It isn't all bad. My phone was really, really quiet when hearing voice mail or hearing people speak, so I switched it out last night for another, and it's fabulous. I didn't get to play WoW last night, but I did get fully caught up on all the other stuff I needed to attend to, so I'll be playing this evening after my workout class. On to the saga story...
I hadn't even used my computer at all after Thursday early afternoon, till last night. Bought a desk from an O'Sullivan warehouse reseller (they don't sell their stuff direct, it either has to be bought from a regular retailer like Office Depot or a reseller). I got so far as designing my own computer desk because my setup sucked, and there was not a single desk to be found in Best Buy, Target, Office Max, etc., that was wide enough and had a hutch. Why wide enough? Need to accomodate 2 monitors. Why a hutch? Need all the storage space provided by a hutch. The only thing I could find that even approached being wide enough also would be a huge L-shaped monstrosity that would not ever work in such a room, and most of those still managed to make two monitors side by side impossible or highly difficult. So I spent several hours in PSP (after having finally found a grid I could paste in as the bottom layer) drawing up a to-scale plan of my ideal desk.
However, I figured it was worth a little time spent on Google before I set to the rather enormous trouble and/or expense of getting it built. I finally found a desk that appeared to be very close to what I was looking for. I found three different places online who had it. One, however, had it a couple hundred bucks cheaper: if you went to the desk-only page and ordered it there, there was a dropdown you could set to also order the hutch for $202, which is $175 or so cheaper than ordering the hutch separately. Plus they had free shipping, and no sales tax.
Little did I know this desk would be such a pain in the ass.
I had some questions on the desk. The website provided some dimensions in addition to the standard width, depth, and height, but not the ones I needed to know, and not enough information to calculate them. So I finally called, the Sunday evening after the new year. (I'd filled out their product question form with those questions and gotten no response.) She looked all the dimensions up and gave them to me, and the critical ones (monitor space inside the hutch, keyboard tray width—most aren't wide enough to usably accomodate a mouse, and height of the little shelf overhanging the monitor space) were fantastic. More than enough room for 2 monitors, keyboard tray widest I've ever seen (fucker's heavy, too!), and the overhanging shelf is tall enough to put my speakers in at the sides. Ideally, since the monitor space is more than enough, I would've made the shelf areas to the sides about 2" wider than they are, so the B&W printer would fit in one side and the scanner in the other side, but those aren't a big deal; the scanner fits on the now un-overlapped file cabinet and the B&W printer can go on top of the hutch with the color one.
So I hung up to consider this somewhat weighty purchase ($576.99 for desk + hutch). I talked it over a bit with J, and ended up calling back to place my order about 20 minutes later. Got the same person. I got an order number, got my order confirmation in the email almost immediately (system actually hiccupped and sent it twice), was told I'd get a tracking number once it shipped, all was well.
First weird thing: a couple days later I got an email saying my status was paid. No tracking number, not shipped yet. Ah well, some places like to charge before shipping, some don't until that point. Funny thing though, my CC hadn't been charged yet. Second weird thing: I'd been told it should ship from the warehouse some time that week, but by the Monday afternoon 8 days after I'd ordered (i.e. a full business week, plus all that day) I'd received no tracking number. Third weird thing: the site has a spot to enter your email address to look up current orders, yet mine turned up nothing at all. I used their contact form that night to inquire about my order, stating that I hadn't gotten a tracking number yet and couldn't look up my order in their system. Two full days later I got an email saying they couldn't track my order in the system once it'd gone to the warehouse (uh....?) but that he'd put in an "urgent" call to the warehouse to find out where it was, and that I'd get a tracking number in 24-48 hours.
The following Monday (now the 22nd), still no followup email, tracking number or not. I replied that morning to the email asking about it (all this has been polite, mind you). Wednesday afternoon J IMs me to let me know there was a message from UPS freight stating that they had a package for us and we needed to call them back to arrange a delivery time. ??? I got home, and it turns out I had some email that'd been delayed, one of which was a tracking number sent later the same day that I'd followed up about it. (I.e. they didn't send it before I asked; they waited till after I'd asked again—a few hours—to send it to me.)
OK. Well. I figure, there is a package waiting, and my CC wasn't charged till it shipped, so if this is a scam it's a shitty one. More than likely it's just bad communication and a severe lack of interlinked computer systems. The tracking email stated in all caps that if I wanted to return it as damaged, it must be done by refusing delivery, and that if I did that it had to be more than just the outer packaging damaged, i.e. I had to inspect the actual contents and only if they were damaged could I refuse it. So, I got a delivery time of Friday afternoon, arranged to be off for that afternoon (working late most of this week to cover it), and after I got home and had lunch started moving crap off of my old "desk" (indoor/outdoor heavyduty folding table, with an office cubby shelf thingy and a metal two-shelf unit sitting on top of it for storage) into the spare room in anticipation of tearing everything down in order to build it.
Delivery guy got there about 1:30, and I tell you right now he was awesome. Kudos galore to him for putting up with me. (He has two cats too, so it was totally normal for him when Pele came in cautiously checking stuff out. ) I explained about the email on OMG-DAMAGES-MUST-BE-CLAIMED-BY-REFUSING-PACKAGE thing, and he helped me get into it and check the stuff. I had thought all of my order had been shipped, but there was just the one box, and he helped me rip it open to find only the desk had shipped. ??? However, the desk box (there was the desk box with the item # on it, that was squeezed into a just-does-fit outer shipping box) was in good shape so I was fine signing for it. After I got it, I moved some more stuff out of the computer room, putzed around on the comp for a bit, then decided on a nap 'cause I was mega tired. Didn't even hear J come in the house, just woke up a bit when he joined me for his own nap.
So after we woke up & had dinner, I finished tearing stuff down and folding up the table, and then J helped me get all the pieces into the computer room. Right after they were in there, bobbo_the_great came by with a lady friend of his (not sure about the "official" status of friend vs. girlfriend, not my business) and she was nice enough to plop down and start helping.
Came up with the idea of actually separating out and accounting for all the little pieces such as screws and cam bolts and dowels ("How much Tupperware do you have...") and that's when we found the first major suck: there were 3 different types of screws missing. Entirely not there. So... I'm impatient and didn't want to wait a week to RMA them, and screws are cheap. Problem? It was right about 10pm. We all three left J playing WoW and hit the hardware stores. The two big chains had closed at 9.
So. I called my dad to see if he's likely to have 'em; whenever you get spares of stuff like that it's handy to keep them just in case, and he does. He said it'd be a scavenger hunt since they're not all in one place, and besides that the likelihood he'd have the kinds and number I needed was slim. However, he suggested looking through to see how much of those missing ones were critical enough that they couldn't be done after everything else was put together. I did so, and... no go. Unfortunately at least two of 'em were needed before final assembly.
Sunday I bought the dozen screws needed for a whopping $2, and set to work that evening. Got about 1/3 to 1/2 way through, then went to bed. Monday I spent forever and ever finishing it (gawds did those damn drawers take forever), but... damn. More missing parts. I discovered missing the cabinet door hinges (the mounting plates were there), plus the metal adjustable-shelf thingies and their rubber sleeves, and the felt doohickeys to keep the cabinet door from slamming. Sigh. So, I called the RMA number Tuesday (yesterday) morning and they mentioned an online form on the O'Sullivan website (which I'd written off as worthless, but apparently there is slight worth, as one can fill out an RMA on missing/damaged parts, check on the RMA order, and pull up instruction docs). I filled it out for everything missing, plus mentioned the three screw types missing that I'd bought. Got an email dated at 1am today that they'd shipped, so I'll probably have 'em by the end of the week since they've only to travel ~300 miles.
As for the missing hutch, immediately after the UPS guy left, I called up the place again and, using much honey and no vinegar, pursued the whereabouts of the rest of my order. It turns out that "due to a system error" it hadn't been sent to the warehouse. He said he did so, marking it as a rush so it'll in theory get priority at the warehouse, and that I'd get a tracking number once it shipped. So in the meantime I'm keeping an eye on my CC online to make sure I'm not double charged for it, and on my email looking for the tracking info. I'm hoping my email is no longer slow so that I actually receive it before UPS freight calls to schedule pickup, so instead I can call them the day before and schedule it. I'm also going to ask if they have a delivery window of 3pm to (5 or 6) so I don't have to work from home or flex a whole mess of time.