So, I didn't end up buying a new mobo/cpu. Wasn't worth the ~$20 or less in savings to scramble to find a mobo that'd take all my old crap (i.e. some non-SATA hookups for all 3 HDs) fast enough for that weekend to end. I'd probably have found out it'd be a mobo I'd have to order online anyway, since it'd probably be too old to still stock in stores. Plus I got lazy.
In case anyone else was thinking about it, no, I don't have my /pictures folder or anything in it set up to show indexes. For a reason. Oh yeah, and I do have 403s email me. So, I'd appreciate it if people would quit trying, it's a bit annoying. (Though, it's more irksome to find that a search engine thinks it's a fabulous idea to try indexing a cgi-bin folder. WTF? You'd think search engines would be programmed not to do that, because any halfassed host shouldn't allow something like that, right? I mean, duh! Yet there's Yahoo's "slurp" search engine, trying to index my cgi-bin. So stupid. Oddly enough, it doesn't try to index my /pictures folder. Go figure.)
Warning, birthday ramblings and whining about the month of August being busy straight ahead.
So I'm gonna be 30 tomorrow. Yea? I still have days where I feel like I don't have myself together enough to qualify as a 30 year old. I don't always feel like a fully capable adult, just kinda winging things sometimes. However, I do have my shit reasonably well enough together, and while I "act my age" where it counts (i.e. no child like temper tantrums when the store doesn't have the cheese I want, or crap like that) I also still laugh at silly things like bodily function humor, and indulge in games and so-called "childish" things. I'm not with it by any means; I couldn't name you off anything that's "new & cool". But, I dunno if I could even do that when I was still in college, so... that's more me being oblivious.
Of course, with another birthday comes the inevitable incoming swag, which I'm definitely not too old to appreciate just yet.
I am hoping to get a DS game or two, or maybe just the cash to buy 'em. I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head. I suppose if Breck's has gift certificates they'd also be appreciated, in order to feed my burgeoning (but still lackluster, as I've yet to become a green thumb) gardening habit.
In other news, I'm quite ready for August to be finished. Not so much because of my birthday and new demographic angst, but everything else. The month itself has been ridiculously busy, to the point of having to choose this activity over that, not to mention the stupid record-approaching heat. I'm seriously considering using a life vest Wednesday on the float trip, so I can spend more time in the river instead of in the canoe, 'cause it's going to be insanely hot, but I'm not a strong swimmer nor am I comfortable unaided in water higher than about 4'6". We'll be floating the Current, which is spring fed and therefore likely to both have water in it (we haven't had much rain in the last month) and be decently cool. So, I'm thinking a lot of swimming, while tiring, will be a lot more comfy.
We got to see my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's new daughter, as well as them and their son naturally. At less than a month old she's still so little. Also got to see what additions J's folks are adding to their house; they're adding quite a lot, plus redoing some of the inside. It'll be interesting to see everything when they're completely done; we may not even recognize it.