So... am I being a big dumbhead for being weirded out when someone IMing me for the first time, whom I don't know via internet or real life or any other conceivable way, almost immediately starts in with the age, married, kids questions? I mean, "where do you live" is pretty innocuous and makes a good conversation starter over IM. But, "how old are you" proceeding to "do you have husband" and "do you have kids" is a little... um, nosey to be asking a complete stranger you've never talked to before. At least, it seems that way to me. I'm not offended by the age question as much as some are, I guess (i.e. those who refuse to tell anyone their age, and get all pissed when around friends and someone "spills the beans"). I guess that could be a somewhat standard IM question; you can get a feel for how much you're going to have in common with someone that way, possibly, and start making your decision on whether you want to have them as a longer term IM buddy or move on. However, I can't imagine ever asking someone who's been IMing with me for all of 2 minutes whether they're married or have children.
Is this something new? Is this something "normal"? Is it just that it's normal for a different age group than I'm in, and I may as well buy that cane now, 'cause it'll come in handy soon with the chasing of those damn kids offa my lawn? This most recent occurrence is the first that I've gotten the married/kids question right off the bat.
Oh, and the other thing I'm confused about: why do people, usually teenagers who primarily speak Russian and only speak English well enough for me to mostly understand them (but not always well enough for them to understand me) immediately asking "u have photo?" Seriously folks, I would think it's a bad idea not to IM people with pics of you that you've IMed for all of 5 minutes. So it should also follow that this isn't a question to be asking someone in those first five minutes of an intarweb relationship. Is this another thing I'm bristling over for no reason?
This person asked me if I had one, and I said "no". Then comes the "why?" question, with me stating that I don't share pictures with strangers on the internet (not 100% true; I've posted mine in FO threads here & there, and occasionally on my site... but I don't send 'em via IM). Then she(?) said "Oh I too". Which I assume means "oh, neither do I." Uh... bullshit? People who don't share their pics to strangers via IM, don't generally ask strangers to share pictures with them via IM. At least, that sounds logical to me. So, language barrier aside, that reads suspiciously like, oh I dunno, a lie. Why do that?
I guess I should just chalk it all up to "kids these days" or something, but I guess I can't help wondering if I'm missing the boat, or if I'm not the only one who'd be weirded out by such things.