11:30 PM - Random thoughts for the day
I got a compliment on my hair from a complete stranger at work today. Hers wasn't even a face I'd seen in passing before. She came in to use the bathroom, ironically just after I'd been thinking my hair was rather too fuzzy and curl-undefined with the product I'd chosen this morning, and said that I have "such pretty hair." I must say that I like random compliments like that, and most definitely thanked her.
I'm finishing up 9.5 hours of OT, waiting for Eclipse to run our Ant build script before synching with CVS. (Our CVS repos is linked up to by a product called Cruise Control which will run anything you tell it on the files checked in, and let everyone who's checked in recently if the build failed. Hooked up to Cruise Control is a lava lamp that turns on when a build fails. The rule, therefore, is to make sure your shit all builds properly before checking it in.) I'm still a few hours behind where I'd like to be, given other non-coding things I've had to do throughout the week, but that still means I'll catch up at least 4 days' worth on the project if I can't catch it up tomorrow.
I haven't done any cardio all week, shame on me. Went to both my classes as usual, but between needing to work the OT and little things like dinner, there just hasn't been much time for it, though I should've been able to find a little to at least spend 15 minutes on the treadmill. Based on a guy at work's doctor saying one key to good overall health, especially into one's retirement years, is walking 2 miles a day, and calculating how long it should take me to do 2 miles based on the 3 miles I spent on it, I've arrived at a goal of 260 minutes of cardio (treadmill, r-bike, elliptical machine) a week.
I'm highly amused and get an insta-good mood whenever Tori Amos' Hoochie Woman comes on my iRiver. I've been using my Tori playlist this week while working, as it seems to keep me more focused on work (no clue why, really) and thus I've gotten to hear it at least twice this week.
Build's done now, best get to checking in the code and updating JIRA (thingy we're using to keep track of tasks & their timelines and work logs for the project). Then bed. The 2+ hour nap I had this afternoon really did the trick in making it so I'm not drooling-exhausted right this moment.
Oh yeah, and it's ridiculously windy outside, blowing like air's going outta style, but because it's still pretty warm out there anyway and a little warmish in the house, I have the bedroom window open on the right side (wide, short window that opens horizontally) a couple inches. It's been very interesting to listen to.