Friday afternoon was interesting. Last Tuesday (9 days ago, not 2), J started working to get the pool up to snuff and actually open it this year. First that involved sucking all the crap out of the cover that'd collected in it, so he could dump the water. On Friday he was ready to take the cover off (he didn't want to end up dumping all that crap into the pool, and he was doing it during the day so he couldn't have me or whoever help him take the cover off carefully enough to avoid it). He took it off, and... man, I didn't expect it to smell quite like that. Granted we never opened it last year, but still. It turned out there was a dead bird that'd somehow gotten underneath and drowned.
Talk about sad and nasty at the same time. It couldn't have been in there long, since its skin was loosening but still there and the feathers were still there mostly. Looked like it might've been a starling, but I can't say for sure. Anyway, other than that it was very, very green and murky but could've been worse. He was was able to scoop out the few leaves and suck a lot of the non-fine smaller detritus out with the wet/dry vac. To kill off anything living he used a plastic freezer bag, the butt end of a hammer (the business end started putting tiny holes in the bag) to break up three chlorine tablets into bits on the back porch, then scattered that all over the water.
I mowed most of the backyard. I would've done it all, but I had to stop at least three times to go in and gulp down some water and douse myself with a spray bottle to cool off. The grass was very, very thick in places, and I'd had to adjust the mower up a few notches just to get through it (non-motored blades-only mower; the shitty Craftsman mower hasn't worked since it was used all of three times or so). I did everything except the really wet matted down spot by the pool where J'd been dumping the wet/dry vac, and between the fence and other side of the pool. I was just spent at that point, and I told J he was welcome to do the rest and re-mow the stuff I'd done at a shorter height, but there was no way I was going to that day. It already looked a lot better, even though the grass blades that'd gotten tall enough to go to seed wouldn't mow.
This weekend we went out to J's parents' house. His aunt & uncle from WI were in town through Tuesday morning, and his sister and brother in law came in with their baby as well. J's baby sis had a dance recital on Sunday that his parents were going to go to, but as they charged for that (of course) but anyone could be at Saturday's dress rehearsal, we all went to the rehearsal and stayed until her part was done. She was so cute in her dance outfit! After that we all hung out, the guys cut down a dead tree and chunked it up while us ladies all took turns with the baby. He's so cute and little still! Eee! It's so weird still for me to think of myself as an aunt, hehe. Then sis- and bro-in-law got ready to actually have their first date in months (movie and a little light shopping), and we took turns with Gabe. He was quite the good baby, very drooly but not really all that fussy. I held him a fair amount, and still had him when he started getting hungry later in the evening.
He started out as a bit fussy, then he was very definitely starting to root around, drooling heavily all over both my arms, then noticing my lumpy bits and sort of mouthing my shirt and stuff. I told him mine don't work, but I don't think he believed me.
Then he went from making little fussy noises to getting upset... he had a pumped bottle in the fridge and J's mom started it warming, but of course he was hungry and quite angry about it by the time it was done. Then there was the extra fun that he absolutely hates having a bottle, though they are working on it by trying to give him one every evening. He went from hungry angry to just plain pissed off when I tried feeding him. He was crying so hard I was afraid he'd aspirate any milk that dripped out, so I finally stopped. J tried with no luck, his mom tried a little with no luck, so eventually she just gave up trying to feed him for a bit because he wasn't interested anymore, then walked him around outside until he cried himself out. He fell asleep for a bit after that, and once he woke up he had the whole bottle then fussed that it was empty, hehehe. Then when momma was there he had some more after she had some food leftover from dinner, and was quite happy to go to bed.
The other not so fun highlight of the weekend, was when J and I were heading to bed for the night. We elected to sleep outside in the bed in the camper, which was fine. On the way out the door though, after I'd gone out and was turned waiting for J to come out as he was trying to shut the door with his arms full of sheets and pillows, we saw the biggest freakin' wolf spider I'd ever personally seen. ACK!! I didn't even see it out the door, and it was right on the bottom of the outside doorframe. Sucker must've been 2" across. Anyway, J managed to smoosh it so it didn't get in the house (it wouldn't do for his 3 and a half year old sister to get bitten by a big wolf spider, nosirree, or anyone else for that matter). I tell you what, we had to go by some overhanging trees to get to the camper door, and you better believe I had a very close look at all of 'em before I went in. I also was looking six ways at once at every camper surface once in side, even though we were told bugs don't really camp out in it even when it's sat unused for a while.
Sunday was a nice lazy day with a really yummy breakfast (fried eggs, hash browns, sausage, bacon, biscuits & gravy, mmmmm). J's parents and sister had to be at the recital place at 1:30, so they headed out. His aunt, uncle, and grandma had left the evening before since all three were staying with his grandma. So the rest of us didn't do a whole lot. J and his brother played video games, I read and napped (I woke up off and on during the night just from sleeping in an unfamiliar bed), sis- and bro-in-law sat with Gabe watching TV and entertaining him, then got packed up and headed back to KC. J and I stuck around until a little after 4. Ended up caught in stop-and-go traffic because they decided, with no advance warning or any signs well in advance along the highway, to close 2 of I-70's 3 lanes. Delayed us a good half hour. I did well with driving stick in it, not killing the car once.
This week J finished the backyard with generous use of the weedwacker and then remowing, gotten the front yard mowed and trimmed, and filled the pool, gotten the filter back outside and hooked up, and started its first round of chemicals. It looks a whole lot nicer now. All it needs now is to finish its chemicals, then get in and kinda slide the liner up in one spot where it's not under the rim and is gapping. (J showed pics of the liner where it gapped to the guy at the pool store, and he said we shouldn't need to replace it.) Liner also ought to be scrubbed to get off what will come off, and then the deck just needs a little laundry detergent and the little pushbroom scrubbing it (seriously, it's too small for a regular pushbroom, both in length of handle and width of brush head, but it's great for scrubbing the deck with).
Next update will probably talk about the shitty day I had Tuesday and why I was a completely lazy bum yesterday.