Was sick two full days last week, which of course wore me out the whole rest of the week. Didn't exercise at all.
I went to Kansas City to go to J's sister's baby shower. She's due about a week into Feb but the doctor's pretty sure she won't go that long, and he'd be a-OK if she didn't. So she's probably pretty close now. Anyway, got up at like 6:30 (OMG before dawn on a Saturday!) so I could get to J's grandma's, then we headed to Kingdom City to meet up with J's mom. Then she drove us all the way to KC. I'm so glad she knew exactly where she was going.
Anyway, we got there right at 1, and it was fun. There were a couple games, but pretty light in that respect which was a good thing. She got so many nifty helpful things I didn't know existed, that I'm trying to keep mental notes on things to look for and register for when we get around to having one. Like, they make special dishwasher containers that will hold all the little baby sized spoons so they won't fall out and thus they don't have to be hand washed. And there are these suction cup bowl sets, where you get 3 different bowls, and they all fit into this suction cup base you can stick to the table so the baby being fed can't knock it crashing to the floor. Stuff like that. Then some of us went to a place called Sweet Tomatoes which is awesome and I wish they had one in St. Louis. Build your own salads, plus yummy soups and pastas and breads and stuff, most of it really healthy and very tasty. Then we headed back home, parting with J's mom in Kingdom City and parting with his grandma at her house. Spent about 15 minutes giving her cat Fritter some lovin' that she demanded. Got home about 11:15 and went almost straight to bed.
After Saturday's full day and not having caught up on missing sleep from the week, I slept until after 2, though I woke up a few times once the sun was up. I had lotsa semi-memorable (i.e. at least for a little while I could vaguely remember them) dreams Saturday. The only one left in my mind is one that kinda flipped me out. I dreamed that I woke up one morning for work and the medicine I use on my head daily "quit working" in dramatic fashion. I'd gone to bed normal, and woken up with large amounts of scalp completely bald, with some of it normal skin color and some of it an unhappy red, but none of it flaky in the least. (Besides the fact that it couldn't happen that suddenly anyway, for me to have eczema bad enough to lose that much hair would probably make me look like I had mange.) I freaked out and started using a Q-tip to put the cream I normally use on my face, all over the bald patches, which were all on the left side of my head on the "diagonal" (neither the top of my head or all the way to the side), and saying there's no way I could go to work like that and I'd have to work from home and such. Just... very very O.o .
So anyway, I finally got on WoW yesterday after we got a late late lunch. I'd grabbed the 1.9. and 1.9.2 patches but not played. I decided to get into the PvP lines for WSG and Arathi, even though I'd waited in those 2+ hours before with no bites, and then farm the shit out of linen Westfall to get the war effort turn-ins. In total I turned in 540 linen bandages, 27 stacks of the stuff. Plus I sold lots and lots and lots of lowbie green items, both the random shit that dropped off the gnolls and Defias, and the stuff that came out of the supply chests from turning in the bandages. In the middle of that, I actually go to go to both PvP battlegrounds a few times each.
The first time in WSG we totally owned; I didn't click "enter" immediately, and by then it'd already started and we already had their first flag in transit. We beat them 3/0. But the other times I went we got owned as badly; we apparently kept getting put in with a horde WSG group that was supposed to be the best on the server. So all those times after they had our 2nd flag in transit and we couldn't keep hold of theirs, we'd end up just warring it out in the middle to get what honor we could. Arathi was a ton of fun; I was on the winning side twice and the losing side once, and either way it was a good time. Guarding gets a little boring, but only until the other side decides they want that particular resource. The last group I was in was super organized. There were 5 groups of 2-3 people each (we didn't start with a full 15) and the guy running it assigned locations to each group.
For WSG there's this one 'lock that just kept owning me hard. Evidently high enough rank you can get a trinket that will dispel the charm effect from a 'lock succubus, but I don't have it yet, and boy did he know it. Every time he saw me I was his A#1 target, and I just couldn't do a thing. So I tried to avoid him since I couldn't do a damn thing in the fights if I went near him. The funniest, though, was when I got ganked by a rogue and two bear-form tauren druids. Hah, man that was so fast. Though I don't know why the druids bothered, I guess just in hopes of getting the killing blow, 'cause I'm not so good against rogues yet either. Of course, that rogue didn't have me down in 4-5 hits the way one other guy could, so maybe the druids figured he'd like some help.
Anyway, I have to say battlegrounds is a ton of fun. I'm not super duper competitive (only some, and in some ways) so it's just as much fun dying as it is killing someone else, so I have fun whether we win or lose. (Not that I purposely try to die, I'm just not really worried about it, since you don't even take damage to your stuff.) I'm definitely gonna go back tonight after my workout class so I can see if I can make it beyond the rank of private after they've done the weekly maintenance.
I also replaced my front blinker on my car, and now all is normal again. Really, J did all the work, I just told the guy at the auto parts store what make, model, and year my car is. Given how simple the required steps are (unscrew one screw, pull light out, unplug from wires, pull out bulb, replace, then put it all back together) it sure wasn't easy. J even had trouble unscrewing it, then of course they left very little play in the wires so it wouldn't pull out far enough to be easy (the dummies have this cable clip inside there that doesn't look easily unclippable/reclippable so we couldn't get the extra play let loose).
So this week should be interesting. If things go as planned (hah, like they ever do!
) I'll go to my toning class both days, get in some cardio in between at least two days. Tonight I'll be linen farming and going to battlegrounds again in WoW. The rest of the week I may do that more evenings, depending on how encouraging or discouraging my rank outcome is and just how much fun I have tonight. I should start back up putting away more clothes again. I really should hit the Gap for another pair of the jeans I bought, since they're wearing at the thighs.
I still need to go through those Tae Bo VHS tapes and write down start and end times and such for conversion to DVDs (which includes removing the junk advertising at the beginning and end).