So I did three loads of laundry yesterday. We actually had enough darks to do two loads of 'em, with all the jeans, sweatshirts, t-shirts, underwear, and socks. I wish really big washing machines and dryers didn't cost an arm and a leg. Would've saved me an hour. Ah well, all three loads really needed doing, and now it's done.
I also managed to sort through a good deal of mail. I catch bills (yay for most of them being either the same every month, or available in so that I already know about them before they arrive! but I snag the others right away too) but the rest kinda falls by the wayside. I went through all the crap on the kitchen counter, so there's about 12 I need to open to figure out if they're something to file away or CC offers in disguise, the rest is all prepared for sacrifice to arcane gods via the crosscutting shredder.
I went ahead and moved up to 4 pound weights for my tricep and shoulder work in my class, and 6 pounds for biceps. Since each exercise is one long set, I paused for two reps in the middle during triceps to sort of break it up into two. Same with shoulders, only since we break those up into two types anyway (lifting up with arms halfway between going up in a T and going up straight ahead, then lifting with arms straight ahead), it was easy to find a halfway point in there to break it up with. I just skipped the last two angled ones, resting, then skipped the last couple forward ones, so instead of one long set of... 36 reps, it was two sets of 16 reps. We do bicep curls the same way this time around, with half being palm up and half being palms in, so I broke those up in there as well. Wtih the added weight I needed that little pause.
I was even good and tried to actually add the a 2 pound weight to my leg work. Oog, I can't believe how much difference two little pounds can make when trying to get through the whole thing. Crazy!
I think I was unconsciously "cheating" with ab work too, and finally noticed it. As in, I was doing the crunches and not exactly doing them wrong, but I wasn't keeping my abs super tight during them either. I was skimping on the "belly button in to your spine" part. Big difference between the two, but I'm finding I still can keep up the same amount with doing it right. If I keep making myself do that part, I should be able to make bigger improvements. I actually am able to do more of the bicycle part at the end, and am actually doing the elbow-to-knee rotations that we alternate in, instead of stopping my legs and only doing the upper body part then. Yay, muscles.
Even though I'm running on less than 5 hours of sleep, I still want to go do cardio today. Then dinner, perhaps at our favorite Mexican place since we haven't gotten to go the other two times we planned on, then more chores. I want to go through all my paper crap on the kitchen table, then figure out what to do with the catalogs I'm actually keeping, so the kitchen won't suck. In fact I think I know exactly what I'll do with 'em: we have a magazine holder that has really old catalogs in it that I can put 'em in. And I'll move that from the livingroom to the computer room, where a lot of the catalogs spend time anyway. D'uh.
I think WoW will get a pass, save for me logging in to see my PvP rank (I suck at it still, and my gear is highly subpar compared to other 60s who play both sides, but I gotta gotta see my rank, even though my limited time to play only has me to rank 4 so far, hehe) and churning out another essence of water to crank some more gold. With the PvPing thing, it's sadly far easier for me to eventually get in via the queue system, than to find regular groups for things like strat, scholo, etc. Too many damn hunters, and too many of them that can't be trusted to, I dunno, speak English on an English-speaking server, etc. So inevitably whenever I see LFM for those, they already are full on hunters, or someone who's wanting to start a group already is a hunter. Plus, PvP has a shorter time commitment. Sure, I may wait in queue for an hour, but I can go grind scorpid blood in the hopes I can eventually have enough of it to turn in next time the Faire comes around to get that tasty pendant. Or I can grind various other faction for other rewards. And then at most the PvP round will last 20 minutes, and then I can either requeue or log off if it's starting to get late. No 2-4 hour commitment added onto an hour of trying to get into a group and get said group fully fleshed out so we can actually start raiding.