08:58 AM - Screwed up my schedule already
I slept for 2 hours after work, 'cause even though I slept like ass Sunday night I still slept like ass Monday night.
J suggested I take a nap and then see about working out, and I said I'd figured we'd be keeping to a similar schedule to M/W, i.e. working out around 6:30. Got in bed about 4:15, was asleep by 4:30. J woke me up at 6:30 and I still felt tired. He went in the livingroom to wait for me to wake up, which was good 'cause I was *this* close to saying fuckit and going back to sleep. Then the guilt set in because I'd get nothing done, no workout or anything, and probably end up making it hard to sleep again. So I hauled my ass up, got dressed for the gym, and we went. Got there about 7, left about 10 till 8. I totally was dripping sweat. Recumbent bike was taken, so I grabbed a regular one. I hate those. The handles are too far away from the seat for me to sit properly on them, and the seat only adjusts higher or lower and the handles are part of the whole console thing so they don't move at all. They encourage bad posture in order to stay in the seat right. If I want to have my back straight it means leaning forward, which means if I tilt my hips properly to go with that I put entirely too much pressure on my groin to be remotely comfortable. If I sit straight up I can't reach the handles enough to do more than touch them with my fingers, but I want to use the heart monitor which means having both hands all the way on the closest part of the handles. But then I slide a bunch in the seat and am sitting more on the narrow part than the ass part. The only way to sit so it's remotely comfortable is to tilt my hips forward and lean my shoulders forward also, thus arching my back quite a bit into a heay slouch posture. And in the end my ass is still bruised today.
Anyway, I used the manual programming after entering height/weight 'cause that still shows the 60% and 80% of my target heart rate on the display. I aimed for the 80% and mostly stayed there. I used the rhythm of whatever song was on to pedal to, upping the resistance for slow and lowering it for fast. A Destiny's Child song had me up to 86rpm, which really started me sweating just to keep up and got my heart rate bpm over my 80% goal. Oops. The rest of the time I was able to drop it to within 4 though, so it's all good. I did that for a full 30 minutes and then it automatically ran a 5 minute cooldown at low resistance for me, during which I pedaled at like 30-36rpm and focused on breathing calmly and deeply. I stretched before and after, though I noticed later last night I forgot my calves. Oops.
Ended up not eating dinner till 9. Not terribly good. Didn't get any clothes put away like I wanted, also bad. Wanted to soak in the tub to relax some of my stiff and sore back muscles, didn't do that either 'cause it was after 10 before I would've been able to get in.
I totally need to get my dad or J's stepdad to adjust my back. My mid-lower back (above the sacrum thankfully) is misaligned, and it's making the left side of my lower back incredibly sore almost to where it feels bruised inside. That's making me have a hard time getting comfortable for sleeping, which is making my back seriously stiff higher up.
Got an appointment at the dermatologist's on Oct. 22. Hopefully I can find a much better solution than friggin coal tar (T-Gel). Ought to make an appointment with my regular doc to (a) figure out what's up with the whole circulation thing, (b) see about getting my hearing tested, and (c) finding out how to get the results given to them when I go get my allergy test done, so they can use those to make a serum to give me shots of.