And since I've been sitting on some of this stuff and not posting it, it's gonna be a doozy.
I went to the doctor yesterday to see what all these red spots on my stomach and back are (they weren't on my back much Tuesday). Not ringworm, which is good. Also, not permanent, which is also good. However, it's not something directly treatable; it goes away on its own. Unfortunately, it can take up to 4 weeks to go away. Fortunately, the only symptoms from it are typically itching on the red spots, and they're apparently histamine in nature so the reason I haven't had them itch at all is because I'm on Zyrtec, which he said is pretty much the kind of stuff they give people samples of to hold it off. Also fortunate is the fact I don't parade around in a bikini and wear midriff bearing tops, so I'm not going to be upset about something I have to stop wearing. The doc said the best guess doctors have as to the cause, is that since it always shows up in people in the summer, and (only) goes away on its own, is that it's some virus. It won't make me sick or kill me, so it's all good. Just... not attractive, but J's seen me at my worst anyway. This way he doesn't have to put cream on the spots on my back, hehe.
Girly moments: I bought three nail colors at Beauty Brands yesterday; two are for an eventual first attempt at the french manicure, the third I'm wearing right now. It's a sort of bronzy orangy color, that I've been surprised at how much I like it. Some time this weekend it'll be hitting my toenails, methinks.
Also, I was out of my Biolage detangler, and the bonus is that BB is holding one of its "liter sales", where they mark down most of their liter sized products (shampoos, conditioners, etc.). So I bought a bottle of that. Plus I decided that on the off chance I wanted to blow dry my hair straight(er), I needed a good brush; all the ones I have are insufficient and crappy plastic ones, so I picked up a wide oval-shaped boar's hair brush. Dunno when I'll try that out. I also threw out all the old crappy brushes I had: three varying sized rectangular, vented, plastic-bristled brushes and two "curling" skinny round brushes that only were good at getting my hair wrapped around and tangled.
We went to Walgreens so I could fill the Elocon scrip I also picked up at the doc's (I'm horrifyingly low after 3+ years of that tube, and what's left separated on our trip), and when I picked it up I got my Aussie Moist which I was also almost out of, plus an actual french manicure kit (the plastic thingies you temporarily press on so you can get a clean line between pink and white). Also we grabbed this sort of neck pillow kinda thing that feels a bit like memory foam to squish, so I can see if it'll work as a lumbar support pillow at my computer desk. It's a bit big, and I need to figure a way to get my chair not to lean back so far when I lean back on it, but it might work. I was stupid though, with the Walgreens run. I knew I was forgetting something, which I figured out in the shower this morning. I forgot to buy face wash, and I think I have one or two more uses left of what I have. D'oh! I looked at BB, but they only had 2 brands, and holy shit was that expensive. I am not paying $26 for 6.7oz of face wash! So I was going to look at Walgreens... forgot about it by the time I'd dropped off the scrip, went to Bandanna's with J (mmm barbecue, so good!) then gone back to get the scrip.
I cleaned out my purse last night. I was in the kitchen trying to dig out the old tube of Elocon, which I'd brought to the doc's so I could see about getting another one. I wanted it out of my purse, and I wanted to compare it to the much bigger new tube to see just how big a difference there was (old tube: 15g, lasted 3+ years; new tube: 45g, will probably last 10 years if it doesn't go bad first). I couldn't find the damn thing, in spite of the fact that it's not that big a purse and I don't have half the stuff in it a lot of women carry in that size or bigger. Got frustrated, upended the purse and dumped everything on the kitchen floor. First to get separated away: CC receipts. Receipts receipts receipts! Soooo many! I started sorting the piles into things that go back in, things that are trash, and things that are not trash but not going back in. I ended up throwing a bunch of stuff away, which after I was otherwise done included old receipts I'd sorted out that didn't have the whole CC# on 'em. Also, after I was done sorting out the purse stuff, but not having cleaned up anything, I went through my wallet. It is now rather... floppy. All that stuff in it kinda stretched out the leather a bit, so now that it's not so full of stuff it's a little slack. I took out old dental and medical cards, extra bank receipts from the bank that no longer needed keeping, old business cards and/or appointment cards that weren't relevant, old CC cards of accounts that don't exist, etc. Everything's nice and neat now, both in my wallet and in my purse. Now there's just my phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses, little mirror, a couple appointment cards, lotion, contact lense holder, chapstick, and ibuprofen. Woohoo I can find things in it now!
Baseball game tonight, yea! Cards vs. Houston, 7:05pm. Oh yeah, our tickets are also in ze purse, but not for long. I'm already wearing a red t-shirt, may or may not switch to shorts when I get home, depending on the weather. Gonna pick up face wash at Walgreens on the way home, put another coat of polish on a few of my nails that I didn't know I'd put too thin a coat on last night, have dinner w/ J (fast food or cooked, haven't decided yet), then head to the N. Hanley Metrolink station to go downtown for the game. Figure on getting there around 6:30 and meeting up with J's family once we get there. Should be fun. Go Cards!!
J's stepdad's sisters, and possibly the husband of the one who's married, and his niece & nephew of one of his brothers, are all gonna be in town. Some were supposed to get in to J's parents' Wed. night, some Thurs. night. J's mom was gonna see if she could get a couple more tickets for 'em if they wanted to go with all of us going to the game (J's stepdad is going, but his mom isn't 'cause she's going to stay home with J's little sis). Anyway, we'll be visiting J's parents' house this weekend to hang out with his aunts & cousins while they're in. I like 'em, let me tell ya, lotsa fun.
Dunno yet if we'll be staying out there Sat. night (they'll already have 4-5 people staying with 'em, so we might not even though it's over an hour and a half drive each way; don't wanna make things harder on 'em), have to talk to J about that tonight. Now I'm wondering if we'll be hitting Central Dairy... mmmm, hand-made, seriously yummy ice cream!
We got another contractor at work today, woo! He accepted late last week or early this week. He's in the cube between me and our team lead, and it's funny 'cause his name is the same as my team lead's name.
Who's not in today 'cause he's on vacation yesterday and today. And we only found out when he was leaving Wed. and said "have a good weekend" instead of "have a good night." My coworker in the cube on my other side was all, "Hey, wait a minute... you gonna be gone or something? I didn't get an email, did the rest of you guys get an email?" T'was quite funny. Aaaanyway, once our contractor's set up with his company login on the PC, and he's all settled in, he'll be helping us bang out code for the new system, which will be a very good thing. Also, we have another contractor who will start two weeks after HR "formally" extends the offer to him, which I would imagine would be soon, perhaps Monday. Yea, we might actually make our March 2006 deadline!
Speaking off... back to work. Need to get fake data into the new system for the section of stuff I'm working on, which means finishing the text file that runs through our load process then pointing the load process in our regular test environment to the other database ID for the new dev test environment and making sure I changed all the codes properly so that the data actually comes through intact.
Oh, and I'm taking the plunge to write my own LJ layout from scratch. I'm designing a static file now to figure out what it'll look like, the CSS and HTML classes & structure, etc., then I'll be delving into coding it in LJ-speak. That should be... fun. Gonna be private, probably will give myself a way to change a few things in the regular "customize - advanced" area, but I doubt it'll be a lot.
I need to put me some Aerosmith on this PC to have it added to the mix of what I listen to at work. I heard Eat the Rich on the radio the other day, and that reminded me that I've been remiss about that.