Got onto WoW around 5 or so last night to do VC with a friend. I've a level 29 hunter and he's a level 30 priest. We got all the way up to VC by about, I think, 8:30. Didn't die, didn't get too terribly close to it. Until VC. Sent my pet to tank VC while we handled the two front guards. Just when we killed them and started on VC himself, out came two more guards. It was at that point my friend could no longer keep up with healing himself, me, or my pet, and of course even if I could handle several unchallenged blows from the guards, Mend Pet level 2 blows and doesn't add much health to the pet. So first the pet died, followed in short succession by my friend and then me.
Of course, by this point everything non-boss had respawned, so after rezzing at the start of the instance we were facing a rather long trek back and another possible defeat. Thankfully, just as we were going to res, one of our higher level guildmates (level 25 paladin) logged on, saw that we were doing VC and asked to join us, saying he'd soloed it twice the night before and wanted to go back (he goes for the loot, hehe). So he joined us after not too long, fighting through the non-instance area with little issue at all, even when he had a dozen or so guys all on him at once. After that it was a lot easier to go through till the pirates, and while that was almost like work it wasn't bad at all. He got two parrots out of it, I got a siamese kitty, and my friend got a parrot as well.
It still took an entire 5-10 minutes to kill VC and his guys, but this time we were successful in retrieving his head. By that point it was 10pm, and J was now in the middle of some stuff, so while our guildmate cleared out the VC area my friend and I left to turn quests in, etc. Of course, immediately after turning in my 2nd one in SW, most people on that continent got booted and had to log back in, and lost about 1-2 minutes of whatever they'd done right up to the boot. So I went back to the place to turn my quest in again, then did other stuff (repairing, going to SH to turn in VC's head, etc.). J was still busy, so I went to Duskwood to run around doing quests there for a while. I finally got to a good stopping point, and he was still busy, so I just left my char AFK while I sat there and read my book. About 10:30 he finally logged out (he was trying to give another guildmate some materials for him to make something or other, but said guildmate was completely frozen in LagIronforge, so he finally gave up).
We still hadn't eaten, so we went to Applebees for some food. Our waiter was quite the airhead... nice, but not suited to waiting tables, really. Forgot I wanted more iced tea, etc., then took forever bringing back the bill to be signed. So we got home about 11:30. I hurried about getting my contacts out, teeth flossed & brushed, and nighttime pills taken so I could hit the sack.
All that was to say that I'm really, really tired today. I think today my evening after work will follow thusly:
- Nap
- Dinner
- Put away some clothes
- Bath
- Bed
No WoW, might read before bed a bit, but mostly just relaxing stuff and more sleep and then early to bed. I figure with the above schedule I ought to at least be in bed with book in hand by 9:30 or so. And that's after figuring on a 2 hour nap.