I am happy to report, that after Saturday evening, the guts of the toilet in the main bathroom in our house have been successfully replaced, meaning the connection between the tank and the floor no longer leaks, meaning we can use it again. Yea! I have J to thank for buying some better tank guts (floatless, to boot, so there's no more float arm attachment to snap, which is what caused us to replace it in the first place), and we both have my dad to thank for getting it 100% properly installed. Also, our kitchen sink faucet no longer drips, again due to my dad and a trip we took to the hardware store. We had thought the faucet itself might need a new washer, but J and I weren't able to detach it, so we called my dad, and he came over later Saturday evening. It turns out that when the faucet drips with the water off, it's something inside one of the knobs. However, he also said that taking the faucet itself off shouldn't have been so difficult, and he had to go to great lengths to take it off (now we had it slightly loose anyway). Apparently the last time someone had it apart, they thought it a good idea to put something on the screw threads akin to LockTite, so of course the part that unscrews at the top to take the faucet off, was very, very stubborn. (He assumes someone erroneously thought the threads should be coated in something to stop leaks around the base -- which, leaks can't happen there specfically -- and instead of something that could be removed again, like silicone, they used something else that practically permanently fused the stupid thing.)
Aaaanyway, after that it was pretty unsalvageable, so we took a trip to TrueValue and bought a whole new unit. Instead of separate hot & cold knobs, it now has a single "joystick" (the guy working there who was helping us found that reference amusing when J made it) which moves very nicely. The sprayer is also better, spraying with better pressure. (It doesn't drip weakly when the water isn't on very hard, etc.) Part of that is that lime had probably built up where the hose attached (or something like that, not in the sprayer itself) somewhere and caused the pressure to drop, so in theory we should be able to detach and soak whatever it is in LimeAway if the sprayer's not working so well after a few years. Also, all of it's nice & shiny, and the sprayer itself is even shiny instead of being made of black plastic. Woo!
So, we now can both use the toilet at the same time without one of us going downstairs, and guests don't have to go in our bedroom or downstairs just to use a working toilet. (Granted probably 95% of the time we've had anyone over in the last 6 months, they've been J's friends and they all hang out downstairs anyway, but still...)
Laundry's done, but not folded. Why, you ask? Because it fell to me to do laundry, and I'm a bit lazier and was going to fold it at the end, only I didn't get it done until midnight or so. See, J bent over to pick up some laundry from where it lands on the floor under the chute, just a few bits, and his back just... shifted. Something in his lower back was no longer right. We went to my parents' to see if my dad could help him out any (is there anything he can't do?), and he was able to a degree. His back wasn't discernibly out per se (it was in the sacral area, but the sacrum itself wasn't visibly out, and that's something that's usually quite visible), but he'd pinched a ligament at the very least. It's in the same spot that he wrenched superbly a couple winters ago, shoveling snow at his parents' house. He had to lean on the shovel to stay upright, and couldn't make himself move at first, and then only barely with his stepdad's help and having to force his left leg to even more at all. Ever since then, it seems to give him issues rather easily, every so often. Such was the case again. Mostly, the treatment is to ice it when it really, really hurts, and at other times when it doesn't hurt too badly, to use a heating pad and then follow up with some massage. Also, no slouching while sitting or standing, because that will aggravate and inflame it.
The weird part, is he was lying on the couch last night, a little before he was going to come upstairs, and he felt something just... move, in that area, and he felt a ton better, just sore. However, when he woke up this morning, it all hurt all over again, not just sore.
So... yeah, all in all, it sucks for him right now. And to my original point, laundry was obviously out of the question (he'd started a load in the washer, but then we grabbed food, sitting in the car made it hurt enough to ask my dad to look at it, etc., etc.). So it fell to me, but of course I was slower at it because I wouldn't be down there right when it was time to change loads (I can't hear the dryer buzz from upstairs and don't have a feel for how long it runs), and I also screwed up a few things. Namely, I washed some cloth placemats that were red, cream, & green and red, cream & navy, three each. I should've washed them cold, delicate cycle, by themselves. Thankfully they were just with jeans, so that was okay, but the red in them bled all over the cream so now they were pink instead of cream.
Not to mention, they fuzzed everywhere. I had to pick clumps off of them, since I wasn't about to stick 'em in the dryer, then pick huge clumps out of the washer. So I figured I'd try prewashing them with some Chlorox, then washing them with some Biz added to the detergent, no go. At that point I gave up, and stuck 'em on the drying rack. What sucks, is there are 4 of each color, so now I have 1 of each color that looks normal, and 3 of each color that looks bled all over. Real bummer. Anyway, so that took away time from the next washer load, which slowed the whole thing down.
Bleh. I'm done whining for the moment. The toilet works again, the sink is new and doesn't drip, the bathtub drain is draining better (it got Drano), the bathroom sink, countertop, and toilet tank lid are all clean. Bleh. Still more house cleanup to do than I care to think about.