I haven't been posting "real" stuff of late, and I've got lots. For some reason I haven't felt like posting unless it's been a link or a meme or a quiz or some such. But I've decided I need to stop putting it off, or it'll be a 3-4 page monstrosity, and none of us want that, hehe.
I managed to chip another tooth Friday, if you can believe that. And I wouldn't have even gone to check in the mirror if my tooth hadn't gone and chipped itself Monday night. I was finishing my salad, and somehow failed to notice I had my fork sideways, and bit down with my mouth planning on closing around a 16th of an inch of fork, rather than an inch or more. That hurt! My teeth themselves didn't hurt, including the one that chipped; rather the jarring and sudden early impact with metal hurt up to the gums. So, because it was a pretty damn hard bite down, and because of my mysteriously chipped tooth Monday, I went and looked in the mirror, and sure enough I'd gotten another one. This time it was the left of my two top front teeth. It's not chipped as badly, volume wise, and chipped in front instead of in back, but the corner adjacent to to the other front tooth is so thin that it's a bit translucent -- I can see the difference between when I do and don't have my tongue right behind it.
Soo.... yeah. That one was my own damn fault, and I must have been completely brain dead that evening.
Saturday was good. We went out to J's grandma's house to visit with her, J's uncle and one of his cousins from Wisconsin who'd driven down, and J's parents and brother & baby sister. They were just finishing up a late lunch when we got there, and then everyone went back out to finish yard work. (Her yard is gigantic -- she lives in farm country, and has a whole lot of yard and lots of trees.) That consisted of raking leaves into piles (most of which was done by then), stuffing piles through a chipper shredder with the resultant leaf crumbs being blown into a leaf bag, which when filled was emptied into trash bags. Plus, J's cousin drove the riding mower around. I didn't really have anything I could help with, so I mostly just hung out with and kept an eye on his baby sis, and of course made friends again with J's grandma's cat Fritter. She luurrrvvvves me, which is evident in the cluster of scratches on the back of my right hand, and one or two on my back, neck, and shoulders.
(She started as an indoor kitty so she's super friendly and purry and craves attention, but is an outdoor cat at his grandma's and thus has very sharp claws. And, she loves to play.) She loves scritchies, but she also loves to flop on her back and play viciously when you pet her belly. I did make sure Elizabeth knew not to play with her because she could get hurt, and she got the idea and says she'll play with her when she's older.
So anyhow, then that night when we got home, J had his friends over (he'd initially called to tell people not to come out 'cause he usually has them out starting around 3-5pm depending on how late a start we get, but they were still interested so he told 'em 8:30 when it was about 8pm and we were on the home stretch on 370). They played Risk for a while, I think. Also, John was over hanging out with Mark (who's staying with us for a little while till he can get an apt), and he showed me some nifty CSS + Javascript stuff, and said I should get into Diablo II again. More on that last bit later...
At some point, they said they were gonna watch a movie called Go, and I ended up coming in a half hour into it. What an.... odd movie. Granted I was a little lost from not having seen the beginning, but not much since they kept doing the same few hours of a night from a different person's perspective each time, so between that and a couple quick comments to fill me in during brief lulls, I had a pretty good idea. Mannnn, not sure what I think about that movie. It didn't suck, but I can't say wholeheartedly for sure that I liked it. It was definitely messed in the head.
Sunday, I got to drive J's car again -- third time in his car now, I think. We drove to Jamestown Mall via Parker Rd. the whole way (yes, for those who know the area, this is the long way around, but it is also the way with far less traffic and lights). At the first light I got to, I was worrying so much about letting the clutch out too fast that I left it in too long, which revved the hell out of the engine and stunk up the clutch (a hot clutch definitely has a unique odor). I did better after that, including at the uphill light where you have to turn left to stay on Parker; I didn't kill it or even nearly kill it, nor did I roll back much at all. And, I did a whole lot better on the drive back than the drive there. Apparently I still need "warmup time" since I haven't driven stick frequently or many times yet.
We had lunch at the Dillards Tea Room rather than out in the food court, which was nice and quiet at 2:30 or so in the afternoon. Then, since we had no idea what to get anyone for Christmas yet (it's a shame; I'd much rather get Christmas shopping done well before the crowds go crazy post-Thanksgiving), and J needed some things, we hit the men's department. He got a couple jeans, since he was down to two pair, a pair of nice khakis so he had a pair that fit and also still had their front button, and some white undershirts (t-shirts, not tanks), so he could stop using inside-out patterned/logod white t-shirts. Then we headed back.
That evening we went to my grandfather's house (it's still so unusual to say "grandfather's house" rather than "grandparents' house") for dinner 'cause it would've been my grandmother's birthday that evening. It was just J and me, my parents, and my grandfather, and it was a nice evening.
Haven't done much productive this week, except today. And today I even had a two and a half hour nap! Mark helped me set up a circle of 4'x16' half-inch hardware cloth (wire mesh in squares, in this case half-inch squares) in the back yard, using plastic zip ties to hold the overlapped ends to the body of it, and little cheap metal hook things (4" or so long, with a sharp bend at the last 3/4" or so) to hold it on the ground until it has enough leaves. Then his dad picked him up so he could go out and get Halo 2, and I started on moving the leaves from one corner of the yard, up in a little nook area where there's a short bit of fence coming from the house to the length of the fence on that side, to the opposite corner of the yard in front of the wood pile. I used our second trash can to haul them, one load at a time, and dump 'em in the circle. I got about halfway through, which includes a little of the leftover leaves from last fall that had composted themselves a lot since then, as well as most of the fresh stuff. I stopped 'cause it'd gotten dark and I'd already turned on the back porch light, and J got home, at about 5:30. Problem is, it's already 3/4 full, so we'll have to see if J can get the trashcan (or something else) to smoosh them down any tighter, or break down and cut the zip ties to expand some of the overlap in the hardware cloth and reattach them. (Issue with that is that those darn things are hard enough to put on when it's not anchored to the ground and empty, let alone now that it has leaves in it and it won't be feasible to lift it off the ground.)
Also, upon its opening and use, the bruno board has been getting once-daily signups of users only wanting to get their (often .ru) websites clicked. My first step was to set it so that all new signups had to be confirmed by me, but that didn't stop them. So tonight I finally got around to altering the query in phpBB so that the newest user shown can't be a non-activated account, and so that non-activated users don't show up in the member list. Plus, I'd only done the first part of that for my regular forum, which has been enough to stop the problem there, but I went ahead and did the second pard in my forum as well. So now hopefully idiots will stop signing up just to spread dumbass URLs (oddly enough, none of them have been pharmaceutical sites).
I neatened up my computer space a bit as well, though most of that happened Tuesday when I bought and put together a 5-cube x 3-cube cubby shelving unit (24" wide, a little over 19" tall, and a foot deep). I still haven't quite gotten set up for enough space for dual monitors, but I'm considering asking J if I can put the printer on his computer desk since he hasn't used it himself for his computer in a long, long time, so I can free up a good amount of room that way.
Man, and this has still been a long-ass entry.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention one of last week's highlights. Rremly arrived!