Lots of stuff... I've posted 2 quizzes already, but no real updates in a while. So... yeah, this is probably gonna be long. You might want to go to the bathroom first if you need to, maybe grab that sandwich, whatever. Heheh.
Let's see. Well, I've finished my Grapes theme, just haven't launched it yet. I also am just about ready to change the themes code to use the theme entries in the DB. I set it up so that there should be no need for anyone to reset their theme cookie. The only issue was that auto-increment can't be set to start at zero, as far as I know, so while the theme IDs currently are zero-based (the base theme, if specifically chosen, is 0, its large-font counterpart is 1, etc.), the IDs in the database start at 1. So forever and always I'll have code adding or subtracting 1, depending on whether I'm looking at the database ID or the cookie. However, the links for each theme, which will change the theme, already set the cookie to the theme ID minus 1, etc., so you should see no change necessary in the future. Kinda sucks to have to keep that code in there, but no biggie. Oh, and now that the ID and order are separate in the database I can re-order them in the list that displays (and in the alternate stylesheet list) without messing up the cookies. Anyway, I'll probably switch over to it and mention the Grapes theme release at the same time, since I put the Grapes theme in the DB already. That'll be in the next day or two, after I've double-checked the wording on the theme descriptions (the theme-change page will now be able to show descriptions of each, and I may even add little screenshots to go along with 'em -- not sure if I want to add a column to the table or just have to type 'em in manually as part of the description).
That's about all the fiddling here. Oh yeah, and I've added a counter to my Funny Forwards, which is another account just like the counter I switched to for my main site, which I added the same way so I didn't have to worry about which images to pick, whether the damn thing would work the "usual" way, etc. And late last night some shit-for-brains decided he'd be "funny" by adding yucky, infantile comments to 3 different forwards. One was something like "u r stupid bitch" or something (yes, he did use "u r" at the beginning, and "bitch", I just don't remember the rest). Then the other two he made sure to get "dicK" and "penis" into. Sooo amazingly mature, that one...
I saw that this morning, via my email notification, and immediately deleted the stupid things. Then, since they all came from the same IP address I banned it. According to my counter, where he showed up, he was coming through some proxy (netfinder.com.au). I went there and they seem to provide corporate proxy solutions. (Their selling point to corporations is that somehow they'll make their employees' connections, and thus their personal browsing, happen faster, so that the employers don't lose as much productivity to their employees' personal online activities -- um... if that's an issue, isn't it usually better to tighten down 'net restrictions rather than just giving them a faster connection?) However this person clearly does not have the maturity of an adult. It was probably during afternoon hours, since it's an Australian business and probably provides their services to Australian companies, and his comments showed up late-night my time. However, the user would certainly appear not to be anyone past the age of 14 for all the maturity showed... very interesting to think about the possibilities. (Has someone hired a completely immature adult-in-age-only person working at their company? Does someone who is VO (virtual office) have to use the company proxy, provided by these guys, and let their kid have access to the 'net while using said proxy? Etc...)
Okay, enough of my trivial site exploits and to real-life updates. My grandmother may be on the upswing slightly, but it's early to tell yet. I saw her both Saturday and Monday, and she seemed better Sunday than Thursday, and my grandfather said she was a lot more with-it Friday than she had been in days. Visitors seem to be helping a ton (J saw her Thursday and Sunday and definitely agrees she was better the 2nd time). She's still on the oxygen machine, and may be for quite some time if not permanently. But my aunt and uncle came in to visit (got in from their drive on Saturday morning and left early Sunday afternoon), and she liked that. And my other uncle in Edwardsville has visited often. Plus my great aunt Barbara visited her Monday, which she really liked because she hardly ever sees her in comparison to the others. So that's cheered her a lot.
She's still very weak, and the prednisone she's still on (they're getting her off it since it didn't work, but it's not something you just stop taking all at once) isn't helping the steroid-bloat thing that's not good for circulation. It seems she cares and is with-it, just that she doesn't have the energy to comment on or react to things a lot of the time. While she was on the full amount of prednisone her appetite was huge, but tapering off it (she's at half of it right now) it's gone down the drain, so it's hard to get herself to eat much. My grandfather's doing an amazing job, and I admire his strength. He helps her into the tub, to the bathroom, to the bed, just everything. He's doing all the cooking, which he's been doing for a while now granted, but he's even used to it now. He can push her around in the wheelchair, and get her in and out of it with relative ease (and she's not gaunt and terribly underweight either -- not fat mind you, but she hasn't been wasting away).
I still have hope for her to improve, but I don't know if she'll ever get to the point where she doesn't need a wheelchair to get around or doesn't need oxygen. Maybe she'll get back to where she just needs the little portable oxygen unit that only puffs when she breathes in, instead of the steady flow. I don't know.
As I said, I got to see both my aunt & uncle in NC and my aunt & uncle in Edwardsville. That was good, especially the ones in NC since they're so far away and we don't see them much. We didn't get to see my great aunt for long, but it was still nice to see her.
I'm feeling a small wave of domestication coming on... I bought flowers (impatiens, if you're curious, plus a hosta) for the front yard near the house, between the yew bushes and such. I'm also considering going back to the hardware store for a couple of nice, big, decorative pots for the back porch to put stuff in. J said we could talk to his grandma about bulbs (which are great to put in those). However, I don't want to put just one thing in a pot and have it bloom for a couple weeks and then die off. So if I do that, I'd like to put in stuff that'll either bloom all summer, or different things that'll keep coming back every year but staggered so there's always something blooming in them. Plus, I want to fix up a little terraced area in the backyard and transplant some of my parents' ajuga they're using to cover a steep hillside by their driveway where grass doesn't want to stay put. Mom said I could take some with me to transplant -- it's easy with these I guess -- and then if it ever takes over too much to other parts of the yard I can either pull extras and bring them back for her, or put them elsewhere, or whatever. Sounds so easy.
But first I want to get a hose spool to put our hose on, rather than using the rusty metal curved hook thingy that's attached to the brick. For one, it'll be more convenient anyway (both to keep spooled neatly and to carry around if necessary), and for two the thing it's on now is over the terraced spot so the hose would hang all over it and smush the ajuga. Then we can put that immediately to the left of the back door on the bit of concrete porch there off the left of the landing. It won't be in the way of the door, and be close to the spigot, so it's a good spot.
I also bought another cook book - Rachael Ray's 30-minute meals. I like her, because a lot of the recipes are really easy, and obviously fairly short, and in checking random recipes, I saw that they're all written in sentences rather than just steps, which illustrate the order of things and the timing (while this is happening, do this, then do that, then go back to the first thing to see if it's done, etc.). Usually recipes show the steps in such a linear fashion you have to figure out the timing yourself, in order for everything to come out at roughly the same time. So this way I'll know not just how to make stuff, but kind of how to organize the preparation and cooking so I'm not wasting time or getting parts done way late.
Not to mention, I want to get some patio furniture (a table and chairs, big enough to have 6 or 8 people eat outside or just lounge) and stick it on the patio in the back. I'm considering using one of the shepherd's crooks I had been using to hang planters on the apartment porch, to hang a birdfeeder from. We already get some birds, but to get more by the full-windowed doors on the sort of sunroom the previous owners built behind the garage would thrill the cats. I'd put it far enough away that there wouldn't be too much bird poop falling on the patio, but close enough the cats will see plenty of birds. I can ask my mom what seed she recommends for just general bird-attraction, and I'd just have to remember to keep it filled.