02:59 PM - The Friday Five
I didn't exactly have time to do these on time.
- Do you like to shop? Why or why not?Well sure. Though I tend not to wade through shoulder-to-shoulder crowds, and I'm not about to be at a store at 6am for a "special sale". It's fun to look around at stuff, and it's even more fun to shop when you're with a few family and friends to talk while you shop.
- What was the last thing you purchased?In person, or online?
Technically the last thing I bought was lunch at Steak 'n' Shake.
- Do you prefer shopping online or at an actual store? Why?It depends a lot on what I'm wanting to buy. Clothes, I often would rather buy in person, because I want to just wander around until I see something I want, and have a chance to try it on and all that. Except Victoria's Secret stuff; that, I'll browse their catalog then buy online (they have very little of their total selection in their stores). I'll buy books and electronics online too, if I'm not in a hurry or don't have a chance to get out and buy something. And I bought my current computer online, because there are a TON more buying options that way rather than going into a store to buy one.
- Did you get an allowance as a child? How much was it?Yes I did. You'll be embarrassed for me when you hear what though: it was a quarter a week. Twenty-five cents. Of course, that was just for either setting or clearing the dinner table, and taking out the trash every other week (both of those, I took turns with my sister). If we helped raking leaves a lot or mowing the yard or something, then we'd get extra then.
- What was the last thing you regret purchasing?You know, I'm not really sure. I don't regret buying too many things, because I try not to spend impulsively. Nothing comes to mind right now, anyway. Probably something years ago bought as a kid or when I was still in HS.