Our weekend was very pleasant. Except for one glaring event that occurred Sunday afternoon. My heart rate still jumps up when I think about it, it was so rattling. Some people clearly need lessons on (1) blind spots, (2) stopping distance, particularly in a heavy SUV, and (3) children's safety.
A quick summary: we were run off the road while in the process of passing a driver in an Explorer. Thankfully the shoulder is big enough to fully accomodate a car, otherwise... Then, same driver decided it was our fault and caught up to us and rode our ass. We had to slow down for the ramp, rather quickly, and he rear ended us. Then he proceeded to follow us to my parents' house, get out of his car yelling and screaming, and hit my husband!
We were going up I-170 north (which, if you're not from St. Louis you've no idea what I'm talking about, but if you feel like pulling up a map it'll give you a little idea). This red Explorer had borderline cut us off to pass someone already, but not badly and J just let up on the accelerator a touch, no biggie. Well, he got back over and we sped up again and started passing him. I think at this point we were passing where we could actually see the last Hanley exit (i.e. the last exit before 170 ends at 270).
We got to the point where I could see his back wheel directly to the right of my window, so we were overlapped, and possibly in his blind spot at this point (though we'd been behind him before and were passing him the whole time, meaning we weren't in his blind spot the whole time). We'd both been catching up to a car in the right lane, just we were a little faster. He decided to pass the person, while we were next to him. Evidently he's never heard that before changing lanes, you're supposed to look out your window to check your blind spots. I get a little worried, not to mention surprised, but since he's changing lanes slowly and we're still going faster, we were emerging from his blind spot and figure he'll see us. Wrong!! He kept coming!!
At this point, there was no braking to avoid him. We were too close to parallel for that to do any good. So, J heads for the only safe place: the shoulder. Also, since we were passing him anyway, he sped up so we'd not have to spend too long in the shoulder, since he was giving no sign he knew we were there or of backing off and dropping back to his lane. (I think his bumper had already crossed the plane of the other car's rear bumper by this point.)
Apparently, we scared the hell out of him, 'cause between his actions and the thigns he said (or, rather, yelled) afterwards indicate he had NO idea we were there until we appeared half in front of him on the shoulder. We hadn't slowed down immediately after passing him, so we'd left some distance between us, since he (obviously) wasn't someone we wanted near us on the road. He decided to "teach us a lesson" or something (can't think of any other reason besides anger and misplaced self-righteousness) and not only caught up to us, but then planted himself right on our ass behind us. We were just starting into the turn where our lane is an entrance ramp onto 270, and really needed to slow down (it's a 40mph turn), so J hit the brakes and slowed down basically all at once to 40. Of course, him having a much heavier vehicle, and following far too closely, he rear ended us. J'd managed to make it be basically square on so that neither of us would go wrenching sideways from it, so it was a bump and we both kept going. Fucker continued to ride our ass (not quite as much, but still too close) and followed us off 270 at the nearest exit and to my parents' house.
The second he was out of his car he was yelling at the top of his lungs, basically crazed-angry. His wife was yelling too, and I yelled at her. Jeremy was the coolest head of the 4 of us. He raised his voice to be heard, of course, as it was a "heated discussion" after all, but he never out and out yelled. (I've heard him yell; this wasn't yelling by a long stretch.) The guy made as if to hit him but didn't, and Jeremy told him he didn't need to get violent, and briefly touched the guy's arm with his pinky (open hand, never grabbed him), then pulled back. That's when the guy socked him. Easily blockable, because he wound way up for it, making a big show & all, but he let him anyway. His glasses went flying and he just looked at him and the verbal argument continued but he didn't hit him again. When J was sure he wasn't gonna get hit again, he turned and picked his glasses up. At that point the bridge of his nose, high up near his left eyebrow, was bleeding from his glasses.
Right after that my mom, dad, and sister (dad being a 5th degree black belt, sis being a 3rd degree black belt -- oh yeah, and I'm a brown belt and J's a purple belt) came tearing out of their house to see what was going on, immediately assessing the situation and being ready to go after the guy if necessary. Fortunately for him, he didn't take another swing.
Among all the bullshit he was spewing, was the repeated mention that "the other lady" (presumably the car he'd been passing when he ran us into the shoulder) had called the police, that we didn't need to. Interesting how he didn't want to stick around to wait for the police and file a report. Interesting how, after it was all over and my dad & J called the police, there had been no call placed. Interesting how he didn't want to mention anything directly related to him rear ending us, like insurance, etc.
Another thing they were shouting at us was, "We have kids in the car!!" Yeah, great. Why did you endanger them, and why are you continuing to endanger them? Yeah, we wouldn't do anything to them, but they didn't know that when they followed us, now did they? And then, "You didn't even ask us how our kids are!!" Um... you're both yelling and screaming and all this, not mentioning anything about your kids being hurt... I'm pretty sure they're just fine. What good parent would let his anger get so out of control that he would do the things he did? Even if you let slide the fact that he wasn't paying attention to the point where he didn't know we were there at all until we were passing him on the shoulder, he endangered them by speeding up to tailgate us, he endangered them further by following us to our destination (still tailgating, no less), and he endangered them by instigating a fight with us. For all he knew, we were violent crazy people, who wouldn't have thought twice about killing him, his wife, and anyone else in the car be they children or adults.
I don't know what's going to happen next for sure. In Hazelwood, which is where the rear-ending took place, they have J's statement there. I'm assuming those charges will have to do with hiim rear ending us, and hopefully also with him driving recklessly and/or negligently. In Florissant, where my parents live, J's pressing assault charges. I think there's a "leaving the scene" in there somewhere, but I'm not sure whose jurisidction that would fall under. It wasn't safe for us to stop at all on the ramp to 270, and even worse once we were on 270. Since we needed the first exit off anyway, which is where we would've gotten off even if this had been a more... friendly encounter, since my parents' house was as close as any other good place to stop (the light for their street is literally spittin' distance from the highway exit), we went there. It was at that point that he started the argument, and it was shortly after he hit J that they left in a rather big hurry. So the actual "leaving the scene" took place in Florissant, but the accident that he left the scene of, was in Hazelwood. So... I don't know how that works. I'm sure J knows that better than I do and can probably set me straight on that one.
All in all, no one was seriously hurt, even J when the idiot hit him (I hit harder than this guy... by a country mile, and his sister, who doesn't have any martial arts training, hits harder than this guy...). That's to the good. J said he wants, however it pans out in the two cities, for the guy to end up with points on his record for the rear-ending (and leaving the scene), and an apology. He said he's willing to drop the assault charge if the guy honestly (not "under duress" so to speak) apologizes to him. I suspect that's not gonna happen, not in a million years. And even though his bumper looks alright from the outside, for safety's sake (since it was probably pushed in on impact, it just didn't stay pushed in) it should be replaced. So, I hope he's found at fault for it (it's very rare that the person rear-ended was at fault -- it doesn't matter why we hit our brakes, he was following too close to stop in time; hell, we didn't even come to a stop or even that close to one). His insurance will pay to fix J's bumper, and maybe they'll hike his rates since it was an accident he caused. Maybe hitting him in the pocketbook will teach him some of what he so desperately needs to learn.