Well, busy for part of it. I went to visit my sister in Springfield (MO, not the 40 or so other ones!
) on Saturday. She had a jewelry party (tupperware party, but with sparklies instead) and I knew a couple of her friends who were thinking of coming, so I drove down. 205-210 mile trip, thereabouts. Got there in a little over 3 hours, including stopping in Rolla for 5 minutes to get gas (it's a lot cheaper there).
One of her friends whom I know a little better (Steph), who played piano at our wedding ceremony, is having health problems and wasn't able to attend.
It was a small party, just 3 of us plus my sister and the lady giving the show. Fun, got to look at stuff; tried to get us to have our own party or become a rep (yeah, right... dun think so). I bought a few things... thankfully she could do CC 'cause I forgot my checkbook; didn't even think about it.
Afterwards we were just hangin' out, when Steph's best friend in the world, who moved in w/ her and also stayed home from the party to be w/ Steph, called and said they were gonna take her to the hospital 'cause her 3-day headache wouldn't go away. So I went with her to meet 'em at the hospital, and she definitely looked bad. She hadn't been able to sleep, her head hurt, and because the cause of her headache (spinal tap to help diagnose the cause of her neuropathy) was near her other back problems, her back hurt. They finally took her back (the place was rather full... it really is true that emergency rooms see more patients during a full moon) and got her on an IV and gave her some Demerol. We were there until about 1am or so, and then went home. They were going to keep her a little longer, then send her home until Monday when they could fix the headache. As my sister said, it's not fair. She's so young to be having these problems.
The rest of the weekend was cool. We came home and talked for a couple more hours. Gabriel, my sister's cat, was sweet as always, though I finally had a reaction to him and needed some Benadryl. Slept in till 11:30, got some lunch at Sonic (mmm, haven't had them in a long time) and then I drove home at 1, got home a little after 4 (including another stop for gas). Got a shower, then J and I went to Walgreens to pick up my last round of Synthroid and a refill of Zyrtec, and a Father's Day card for my dad and grandfather.
I saw my grandparents' car at my parents' house and was excited, 'cause my grandmother went in the hospital on Friday morning 'cause she couldn't stop coughing and passed out.
Mom had said Saturday they were going to release her Sunday, so I figured she was feeling better enough to go home and also come over to my parents'. Wrong.
My grandfather was there, but it turns out she still had a little fluid in her lung and wanted to keep her another day. We had dinner, then it was almost 7 so he left to go back to the hospital, because visiting hours are over at 8 and he wanted to check on her again. J and I stayed another half hour or hour or so and then went home.
And dammit, I can't wait to move to our house, where the windows actually are insulated, so I can stop hearing the birds at 5am in the friggin morning! Makes it hard to get enough sleep before work.