Been such a long time since I posted it's ridiculous!
First, our anniversary was trés cool. We stayed at Elysian Fields Inn mere blocks northeast of the French Quarter. We did lots of walking, napping, eating, relaxing, and taking pictures. If/when I can get the better pictures cropped for the web and up I'll post a link.
Second, it's been really busy. First I was playing catch-up with my Resolutions (catching up two weeks' worth takes a while) while also dealing with the server being down and not being able to. It was down while I was trying to do some of my updates before we left, then it was down a couple tiems after we got back, for hours and hours at a time.
Third, we went out of town again (not quite as far) with J's family to Kansas. We picked his aunt up at the airport Thursday night, then went to his parents' in Jeff City. Had dinner there, then got up early the next morning to leave. Stopped in KC to visit his sister, take her to lunch (Arthur Bryant's barbecue, yum! -- if you're ever in KC look 'em up!), etc. She decided not to come w/ us and drive out the next day. We then left for the Ft. Riley area (middle of Kansas somewhere) and checked into our rooms in Manhattan (small town, not THE Manhattan of course!
). After that, we drove to J's cousin's house near the fort, got to meet his cousin and his wife, and another cousin (2nd cousin) and her husband and their two kids. We also got to see his great aunt and meet her husband, and see his 2nd cousin's mom and dad (J's uncle, I think). Lotsa people.
We hung out there (largely inside, while the kids & a couple adults played in an inflatable 3' pool out back), then had dinner, hung out some more, then went to see some fireworks. We finished up the night by Watching
The next day, we went back to his cousin's house for a couple hours, then drove to Salina to meet his cousins on his stepdad's side, one of whom I'd never met. They were running late (had driven from CA) so we stopped in... um... can't remember the name, but it was on the way to Salina, and visited the Greyhound museum. Weird... Then we met them in Salina, managed to find one place that wasn't fast food to eat (it was now about 3pm or so and this was lunch). We had a good time, good conversation, and all too soon lunch was over. After that, we went back to the house, had dinner (in spite of it being so close to our lunchtime), then talked and hung out a short while before going back to Jeff City.
We got back around 1:30am, and basically collapsed. J and I got to sleep in quite a bit, then we had breakfast for lunch. We left around 3 to take his aunt back to the airport and went straight to my parents' for dinner.
So... we've kept busy. I think this weekend will be nothing but packing and relaxing. You see, as of two weeks from tomorrow we can start moving into our new house. Yea!!!
I figure it's better to start packing things here & there (non-essentials) now so we don't have to do it all last minute. Tonight is going to be putting clothes away, and also packing other clothes in suitcases (our two bigger, small ones for now). My parents said they could lend us their bigass suitcases for other stuff like clothes & sheets, etc., so hopefully we can pick up some of those soon (our huge one is already full).
J's parents are planning on coming out Friday afternoon to help us move, and finishing helping on Saturday. I'm definitely taking Friday off; I'm also considering taking Thursday as well, so we have time for last-minute packing as well as moving smaller stuff in our cars. I imagine we'll still be moving stuff Sunday, but maybe not.