I definitely didn't catch up on my sleep this weekend, but it was a lot of fun. On Saturday, I got to meet a lot of J's relatives whom I'd never met (and in some cases, he'd never met them either). Most of these were children and grandchildren of his grandma's brother-in-law.
After the reunion, we drove to one of the family's houses in Bolivar to visit a few minutes, and leave J's baby sister there (she's too young to go on a float trip yet, and they agreed to keep her until the next evening). While we were all sitting down and talking, one of Jeremy's aunts found a large spider crawling on her leg. She managed to flick it off her and onto the carpet, where we found it was a quarter-sized brown recluse. Yikes! Someone got a styrofoam cup, and J's stepdad trapped it inside, on the floor.
While he was picking that up (since it crawled into the cup) to show people -- knocking it repeatedly to the bottom -- I saw another spider on the couch less than a foot away from his aunt's leg (she'd sat back down on the couch). She said, rather excitedly, "Don't say that!", then looked at the same time I was saying "No, I'm not kidding" and saw it, then jumped up and away from it. It, too, was knocked to the carpet, where J's stepdad managed to get it into/under the cup as well. Someone brought him a newspaper or something to put them outside, rather than squish them into the carpet. Then, one of them got out from underneath the cup, but he managed to trap it. He let go of the cup for a moment, and it moved with one of the spiders as it tried to escape. Eep!! He then took them outside, disposed of them, and returned. In the meantime, J's aunt didn't want to return to the couch (I wouldn't either) and J's uncle (her husband) took his handkerchief and just brushed my shoulder. When I reached up to fix my bra strap and found that wasn't what ticked, I jumped! Definitely scary.
Beautiful house, and wonderful scenery, but I've definitely decided we're not living in southern, rural Missouri. Too many damn nasty things! Anyway, we left about 5 or 10 minutes later for Noel, MO (tucked practically into the SW corner of the state) as it was named for an ancestor of the Noel family (Jeremy's grandma married a Noel, and it was his 4x-great-uncle for whom the town was named). We got separated, and things got crazy as J, his brother, and I drove around trying to find a vehicle we recognized. We finally got together again by mostly a stroke of luck, at one of the campsites in the area, just inside town. Then, most of us met up with one of the uncles we'd met at the reunion, so he could show us where J's mom's grandparents had once lived. After that, we found where her other grandparents lived, not terribly far away.
That was all on Saturday. At the end, we drove to Bentonville, AK (not far) and stayed the night there.
The next day, we got up early and drove back to the campsite where J's sister (his next oldest sibling, not his baby sister) and her husband had stayed. We got 7 canoes (15 of us were floating) and went a short distance to put in. As short as that distance was, the Elk River wound quite a bit, so our float was a 6 mile one. It opened with us seeing a lot of turtles ranging from the size of a computer mouse, to bigger around than a dinner plate. Very cool.
It was really damn hot, and there were lots of shallow spots, a couple of which we had to get out to drag the canoe. Also, due to the slow current, several of the deeper spots were rather scuzzy. We got to stop a few times though, including the 2nd time we stopped for lunch. It was a lot of fun, including the occasional ramming and nudging the various canoes did to one another, and also the "You're way too dry" as several would gather around one member who'd just waded in to give them a good soaking.
We also saw lots of decent-sized brown trout.
After we got back from floating, we found the showers were not the usual quarter-operated, time-limited ones -- they were free! That's probably the best after-float shower I've ever had, not worrying about the water running out before I was done. Maybe not the cleanest, but those places never are, and it wasn't bad. In spite of 3 applications of sunblock, I'd burned a bit on my back, but not too badly. I put on aloe after my shower, and it never has hurt (including washing it with my sponge). Jeremy was a little pink on his back and shoulders too, but not badly at all.
It took us about 2 and a half hours to get back from the Dairy Queen in Anderson (another relatively small town up the 59 from Noel, at the junction of 59 and 71) to J's parents' house in Holts Summit. We (J, his brother, his cousin who's living in St. Louis right now, and I) went straight back so we could leave right after eating some dinner, while J's parents went back to Bolivar to pick up their little girl, and both J's aunts & uncles drove straight to his grandma's in Wright City. We got to J's parents' house about 8:30, and left a little before 9:30 for St. Louis (J's cousin left about 15 minutes before we did). Got in about 10-15 after 11pm and pretty much crashed. Greeted the cats, checked email, checked the weather forecast for tomorrow (obviously it isn't cooling off like they'd previously thought
), and then went to bed. I read for about 10-15 minutes, waiting for J to come in, then turned out the light so we could get some sleep. It was a great weekend, but my gawd am I tired today. Hafta hit the hay early tonight, I'm tellin' ya.