09:49 AM - Phew!
It was one helluva busy weekend. Friday afternoon, we went with my parents to Springfield (3 hr drive one way) to see my sister play in a really great wind ensemble concert, then drove back. We got back to our place around 2:45am. Boy was that past my bed time! Then, we slept in (definitely needed it) and got the cats to their appointment at the vet's office at 2:15pm. It was odd, in spite of the fact that Pele is the outgoing one, and Zephyr is the shy one, and Zephyr had to not only get the same two shots Pele did, but he also had to have Q-tips dug around in his ears, Zephyr took things in way better stride. Pele became cuddle kitty for the first time and snuggled up on J's lap. It was cute, she was trying to completely disappear in his sweater.
Anyway, so Zephyr has a bacterial ear infection, and might still have ear mites (they found what might've been an egg, but that's it). So since we're going to be leaving tomorrow afternoon for NJ and won't be back till Sunday, we'll start his medications a week from today so my parents won't have to mess with it.
Sunday was a LOT more fun, hehe. Had money stuff to do (bills to pay online and off, checkbook register to upate, etc.) Then was cleaning the cats' litterboxes. I use scoopable litter, but the litter still needs a full changing every so often. And this time it was overdue. There were areas where the litter never dried up and clumped, which I'm not really sure why, except maybe it got buried too deep and the wet couldn't evaporate. Whatever the reason, the boxes, one at a time, got dumped, scraped, hosed down w/ hot water in the shower, soaked & washed with Dow bathroom cleaner (scrubbing bubbles to the rescue!), rinsed, dried, and filled with fresh litter. Boy did that screw up my sinuses for the rest of the day. Wow...
Add to that, I also had lots of clothes to put away, mail to shred & pitch (all those stupid credit card offers, ya know), and general straightening of stuff. Also, J did laundry (bless him for doing that so I don't have to), which of course meant more clothes to put away. I even finally hung up all my hanging clothes I'd been putting off to the side for "later". We had dinner at my parents', and they let us borrow their Oreck vacuum cleaner, and Jeremy vacuumed the place (it sucks way better than ours; we probably need to clean or replace the filter in our heavy-ass bagless I was dumb enough to buy). I'm seriously thinking we ought to just try and sell ours used (put an ad in a newsgroup or something) and replace it w/ an Oreck (one w/ attachments though; my parents' doesn't have 'em).
With all that, and all the sneezing and nose blowing I did because of the litterboxes (I finally took something, but I had to fight sleepiness because of it), I'm pretty wiped today. And tonight we've got karate class (usually Wed. nights, but no one could make that this week), plus I need to clean up the "bill desk" (where I do bills, etc. -- it's a mess of paper!), and do as much packing as possible. Then tomorrow, I have my 9:50am dr's appointment, and need to go to the bank and do some last-minute shopping (not clothes, just odds & ends). All that, eat lunch, and finish packing, by 2pm. I really hope I can sleep in the van to NJ, 'cause I'm gonna be tired, and it's gonna be a loooong trip.