12:00 AM - Total overhaul
Okay, it's been far too long since I last updated here, but to my credit I have had problems. I couldn't FTP for a while (might've been something at my end -- either way, it works now), I couldn't view my site, it started having pop-ups... *sigh* Everything is happily back to normal once again, so I figure I'll at least update here a time or two.
I've decided to make a complete break from the current layout, which means I'm not going with either this layout or the alternate one that my poll below is about. I wanted to experiment with a whole new design, my own backgrounds and colors, etc., but I didn't want to wait for everything to settle down here, so I've been putting it elsewhere. It's far from done yet, and there are a couple pages I'm not redesigning -- they're staying as-is -- but here it is: My new site layout. The Links page has been redone (I might add back in the paws for bullets, but not yet... might want to change my colors slightly to match the new scheme), and all my News has been redone. Also, there's news there that's not here. Probably when I link everything together and move it here, I'll sort of use these posts and the ones from there, and kinda annotate them as to what they refer to.