In case you hadn't noticed, the layout of this here page has changed a bit. That's because I've made the move to MovableType. MovableType can import entries in a specific format (given in the user manual) and I found instructions on how to get Blogger to output all entries into that format. Then it was a matter of saving the file in MT's import directory, and importing them.
MovableType also offers a nifty calendar function, so now you'll have a calendar on the right with all the dates of posts clickable to go to that individual post. And assuming I rebuild my index pages once a day, the current date will be highlighted as well. (If the highlighted date is off, you'll know I didn't log on & rebuild.)
Another change I've made, is that I'm no longer archiving by week, but by month instead. I decided I'd rather have less files to worry about backing up & such. I also plan on having a main archive page, but until I figure out a better way to do it, it's still in the testing stages and I don't want to make it available.
Oh, and if you see any blue smilies (
etc.) I also have a plugin installed into MT called MTMacro that lets me define certain bits of text to get replaced by other bits of text. In this case, I'm using it to replace things like :) with an img tag that shows
. Cool, huh?
Finally, while MT provides the ability to use comments, I like and am used to NetComments. Not to mention I don't feel like setting up the templates for that too (again) so I'm going to stick with NC. However, since the post IDs changed in the move, I have to disable comments for the time being. Fortunately, the creator of NC plans on soon implementing the ability to change the post IDs of the comments (for just such an occasion, I presume). So, as soon as I can do that, I'll be changing those over (there are all of 3 posts commented on, so it will be a short process
) and then I'll re-enable commenting here. (And even though I don't have it enabled yet, I already have NC set up to use my own smilies, which are the same ones being used in here.)